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OLR v. Osman A. Mirza, 2023AP2369-D, February 27, 2025, (per curiam attorney discipline case)

In a disciplinary case adjacent to criminal defense practice, SCOW clarifies the impact of having charges “read-in” for purposes of an OLR proceeding.
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State v. Jeremy A. Sobotik, 2024AP1976-CR, 3/19/25, District II (1-judge decision, ineligible for publication); case activity

In an appeal seeking to test the boundary between permissible traffic stop inquiries and interrogation requiring Miranda warnings, COA holds that the officer in question did not cross the constitutionally-imposed line and affirms.
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Winnebago County v. D.P., 2024AP2391-FT, 3/19/25, District II (1-judge decision, ineligible for publication); case activity

In appeal eerily similar to a SCOW case that was dismissed as improvidently granted, COA affirms and holds that the conclusory testimony supporting involuntary medication and recommitment was legally sufficient.
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State v. Tobin J. Jagla, 2023AP2311-CR, 3/18/25, District III (not recommended for publication); case activity

COA affirms circuit court’s order denying Tobin Jagla’s motion to suppress where police stopped the vehicle he was driving after an officer determined the registered owner of the vehicle did not have a Wisconsin driver’s license.  Although officer learned during the stop that Jagla was not the registered owner, Jagla and owner were both males and similar in age. [continue reading…]


State v. A.A.A., 2024AP2001, 3/12/25, District II (ineligible for publication); case activity

COA affirmed the circuit court’s dispositional order placing juvenile in the Serious Juvenile Offender program at Copper Lake School, a Type I juvenile correctional facility for girls.  The Court rejected juvenile’s claim that such a placement was not permissible until the State builds a secure residential care center.  [continue reading…]


Seventh Circuit cases for February

February brought a handful of cases potentially relevant to our practice:
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State v. Gasper, 2023AP2319, petition for review of a published decision of the court of appeals, granted 3/13/25; case activity

State v. Rauch Sharak., 2024AP469-CR, accepting review of a certification, granted 3/13/25; case activity

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State v. K.R.C., 2023AP2102, petition for review of an unpublished decision of the court of appeals, granted 3/13/25; case activity

In a case that could prove consequential for the rights of juveniles in schools policed by “school resource officers,” SCOW accepts review of a case taking direct aim at the court of appeals’ reading of the “reasonable person” standard in constitutional law.

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