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State v. S.N., 2023AP2366-67, 2/27/24, District I (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity “Sally’s” challenge to the court’s discretionary termination order fails, as the circuit court’s order was supported by evidence in the record. “Sally” attacks the circuit court’s discretionary order terminating her parental rights by first focusing on the court’s consideration of her… Read more


State v. M.L.J.N.L., 2021AP1437, 2/28/24, District IV (recommended for publication); case activity In one of our first published decisions to address the impact of Marsy’s Law, COA accepts the agreed-upon position of both parties that Marsy’s Law does not alter the framework for assessing requests for juvenile restitution under § 938.34(5)(a).  UPDATE: This post is… Read more


Burnett County v. B.S., 2023AP1811-FT, 2/28/24, District III (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Due in part to last-minute witness unavailability, the County’s attempt to rely solely on generic and conclusory testimony from an examining psychiatrist fails in yet another helpful, and citable, 51 win. This is an appeal from Brian’s fourth recommitment hearing… Read more

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Winnebago County v. B.R.C., 2023AP1842, 2/14/24, District 2 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In quite the head-scratcher, the court of appeals rejects a D.J.W. “specific factual findings” claim while acknowledging that such claims “are multiplying and it is clear that all sides could benefit from clarity on the point.” (Emphasis added). The court then proceeds… Read more


Manitowoc County HSD v. B.M.T., 2022AP2079 & 2023AP904, 2/21/24, District 2 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In this consolidated appeal from successive orders extending B.M.T.’s civil commitment, the court of appeals rejects B.M.T.’s claim that the circuit court lacked competency to enter the 2022 order, but agrees that the circuit court failed to… Read more


State v. M.M., 2023AP2093-2100, 2/22/24, District 1 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Challenges to circuit court disposition orders are almost never successful. This case is no exception. M.M. (“Melissa”) argued that the circuit court erroneously exercised its discretion when it determined that terminating her parental rights to her eight children was in the… Read more


Kenosha County DC&FS v. R.M.F., 2023AP2156-157, 2/21/24, District II (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Given the difficult standard for proving judicial bias, COA concludes that R.M.F. has failed to show that the court’s remarks to jurors are a basis for reversing this TPR. “Richard” exercised his right to a jury trial in this… Read more


Artillis Mitchell v. Chris S. Buesgen & Kevin A. Carr, 2022AP1076, 2/22/24, District 4 (recommended for publication); case activity This case concerns Mitchell’s appeal from the circuit court’s order dismissing his petition for a writ of certiorari. We recognize the case is a bit outside of our normal coverage, but in addition to the fact… Read more