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Mass incarceration: the whole pie

Many are calling for the release of prisoners due to the pandemic.  That makes the Prison Policy Initiative’s new graphics showing who is being held in our jails and prisons and why very timely. Take a look at them here… Read more


Appellate arguments by video conference?

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is doing it. Maybe it will be the new trend. Click here to see what one is like… Read more


Information for TPR attorneys

The Marshall Project is tracking the disruption of the foster care system and family visitation during the pandemic. Attorneys involved in TPR can read about the problem here.  Also, Wisconsin courts have drafted FAQs regarding timelines under Chapter 48.  Read them here… Read more


On Point is constantly updating the “resources for defenders during the pandemic” on its homepage. We’ve recently added: (1) a Motion for Modification of Bail requesting a client’s release due to her health condition and the pandemic; (2) a Motion for Stay of Sentence due to the pandemic; and (3) six affidavits from epidemiologists and… Read more


WKOW and several other outlets are reporting that an employee of Columbia Correctional in Portage has tested positive and been directed to self-quarantine. This is the second confirmed case in Wisconsin; an employee at Waupun tested positive on March 18… Read more


Some of you have asked whether other states have suspended jury trials due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The answer is “yes.” The National Center for State Courts is tracking the emergency measures being imposed by courts all around the country.  See its state-by-state round-up here… Read more


UPDATE to our previous post… Read more


Resources for defenders during the pandemic

On Point is posting resources to assist defense lawyers during the pandemic. The list will remain here at the top of the blog so you can find it easily.  Help your colleagues and clients. Alert us to new information through email or the comment section, and we will add it. Also, we’ll be working to… Read more

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