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State ex rel. Michael J. Vieth v. John Tate II, 2018AP1525, District 4, 2/13/20 (not recommended for publication); case activity (including briefs) Lawyers handling petitions for a writ of certiorari to review administrative decisions (or any other extraordinary writs, for that matter) should be aware of this decision. It holds that, under the electronic filing… Read more


Iron County DHS v. N.H.-D., 2019AP1520, District 3, 2/12/20 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity N.H.-D.’s claims that the termination of her parental rights violated various due process rights, but those claims are forfeited and undeveloped. Her claim of ineffective assistance of trial counsel is meritless.  N.H.-D. makes three claims that her due process… Read more


State v. Jacqueline A. Ziriax Anderson, 2018AP2410-CR, District 3, 2/11/20 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (including briefs) The state offered Anderson a deal: plead to OWI 2nd and it would recommend the minimum mandatory penalties. The state made that offer because the arresting officer had resigned from the department due to some “mental… Read more


State v. Carrie E. Counihan, 2020 WI 12, 2/13/20 modifying and affirming an unpublished court of appeals decision, 2017AP2265; case activity (including briefs) This case is the companion to State v. Coffee, which, though argued on the same day, came out a few weeks earlier and failed, in particularly confusing fashion, to announce any binding… Read more


Marathon County v. D.K., 2020 WI 8, 2/4/2020, affirming an unpublished court of appeals decision; 2017AP2217; (case activity) The caption is the most confusing part of this opinion: ZIEGLER, J., delivered the majority opinion of the Court with respect to Parts I., II., III., IV.A., IV.B., and IV.C.1, in which ROGGENSACK, C.J., REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY… Read more


State v. Angel Mercado, 2020 WI App 14, petition for review granted, 5/19/20; reversed 1/20/20; case activity (including briefs) The court of appeals orders a new trial for Mercado on the grounds the circuit court erred in admitting the video statements of three children who accused him of sexually assaulting them. The circuit court didn’t… Read more


Ban on firearm silencers is constitutional

State v. Thomas Michael Barrett, 2020 WI App 13; case activity (including briefs) The court of appeals rejects Barrett’s facial and void-for-vagueness challenges to Wisconsin’s prohibition on firearm silencers, § 941.298. Barrett’s facial challenge argues the statute violates the Second Amendment, and relies on District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008). ¶19    … Read more


Consent to draw blood was voluntary

State v. Justin T. Kane, 2018AP1885-CR, District 4, 2/6/20 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (including briefs) Kane’s consent to a blood draw after his arrest for OWI was voluntary under all the circumstances. The circuit court made findings of fact after a suppression hearing, and, of course, the court of appeals accepts those… Read more