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State v. Brian A. Barwick, 2017AP958-CR through 2017AP961-CR, District 1, 9/5/18 (not recommended for publication); case activity (including briefs) Barwick was charged with eleven counts of various crimes in four separate cases that were consolidated for trial. He makes various unsuccessful challenges to his convictions. Insufficient evidence Barwick argues there was insufficient evidence to convict… Read more


K.M. v. R.O., 2018AP1206, District 1, 9/18/18 (1-judge opinion, ineligible for publication); case activity One ground for terminating a person’s parental rights is that the parent “abandoned” his child for 6 months or longer. In this case, a court ordered R.O. to have no contact with the mother of his child, which interfered with his… Read more


State v. Rafael D. Newson, 2018AP551, 9/18/18, District 1 (not recommended for publication); case activity (including briefs) Newson claims that his trial and postconviction lawyers were ineffective for failing to raise lack of jurisdiction caused by the State’s failure to file its complaint against him before he was extradited to Arizona. He also argued that the… Read more


Big data on Justice Abrahamson

Justice Abrahamson has just begun her 43rd term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Because she has announced that this will also be her last term, SCOWstats has crunched some numbers on her. The results are impressive. Click here… Read more


State v. Alice M. Fischer, 2018AP422-CR, 9/18/18, District 1 (1-judge opinion, ineligible for publication); case activity This case may sound vaguely familiar. Trial counsel failed to investigate and make use of a claim against a sheriff’s sergeant, Matthew Paradise, the defendant in a civil rights action alleging that he and others conspired to create inaccurate… Read more


State v. Darrick L. Bennett, 2016AP2209-CR, 9/18/18, District 1 (not recommended for publication); case activity (including briefs) Bennett was charged with 1st degree intentional homicide, but pled guilty to 1st degree reckless homicide. In a decision turning on facts specific to this case, the court of appeals affirmed the trial court’s decision denying (a) plea… Read more


August 2018 publication list

On August 29, 2018, the court of appeals ordered the publication of the following criminal law related decisions: State v. Arthur Allen Freiboth, 2018 WI App 46 (judge doesn’t have to inform defendant during plea colloquy about mandatory DNA surcharge) State v. Terrance Lavone Egerson, 2018 WI App 49 (“let me represent myself” wasn’t an… Read more


September 2018 publication list

On September 26, 2018, the court of appeals ordered the publication of the following criminal law related decisions: State v. Norris W. Culver, Sr., 2018 WI App 55 (rejecting constitutional challenges to §§ 942.09 and 941.29) State v. Christopher A. Mason, 2018 WI App 57 (identify theft doesn’t require some extra act of “representing” in… Read more