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Racine County v. P.J.L, 2023AP254, District 2, 7/19/23, 1-judge decision ineligible for publication; case activity (briefs not available) In Outagamie County v. L.X.D.-O., 2023 WI App 17, ¶36, 407 Wis. 2d 518, 991 N.W.2d 518 (PFR denied), the court of appeals rejected a sufficiency challenge to an involuntary medication order and held that an examiner’s report… Read more


State v. Danial Christopher Wheaton, 2022AP2082-CR, District 4, 7/27/23 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (including briefs) The officer who arrested Wheaton for OWI flubbed the first clause of the first sentence of the “Informing the Accused” script set out in § 343.305(4), but still substantially complied with the statute. The first clause of… Read more


Waukesha County v. C.M.M., 2022AP2081, District 2, 7/19/23 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity C.M.M. (“Charles”) challenges a revised CHIPS dispositional order that eliminated visits between Charles and his son, A.M.M. Charles’ claim on appeal is that the circuit court erred by (1) substituting a “Criminal Division Judge” instead of a “Juvenile Division Judge” and… Read more


July 2023 publication list

On July 26, 2023, the court of appeals ordered publication of two criminal law related decision: State v. Cedric Tung, 2023 WI App 33 (rejecting McCoy v. Louisiana and United States v. Cronic based IAC claims) State v. Conrad M. Mader, 2023 WI App 35 (testimony that 99% of sexual assault reports are true improperly vouched for… Read more


State v. Alvin James Jemison, Jr., 2021AP2207-CR, 7/18/23, District 1 (not recommended for publication); case activity (including briefs) After a jury trial, Jemison was convicted of second-degree sexual assault of an unconscious person (Teresa) as a repeater – serious sex crime and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of release to extended supervision. See Wis… Read more


Legal innocence is not enough

Jones v. Hendrix, 143 S.Ct. 1857, 599 U.S. __ (June 22, 2023); Scotusblog page (containing links to briefs and commentary) The Court, in a 6-3 opinion authored by Justice Thomas, holds that the savings clause in 28 U.S.C.  2255(e) bars a prisoner from using an intervening change in the interpretation of a federal criminal statute to… Read more


State v. Nicholas Anthony Stilwell, 2022AP1839, 7/20/23, District 4 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (including briefs) This case has facts remarkably like those of State v. Cundy, a recommended-for-publication case the court of appeals decided the week before. Police received a report of a hit-and-run of a parked vehicle, and learned the truck… Read more


State v. Gregory L. Cundy, 2023 WI App 41, District 4; case activity (including briefs) A person called police and said they’d seen a particular vehicle back into a parked car at idle speed and then drive off. About 40 minutes later, an officer arrived at Cundy’s house, knowing that the suspect vehicle was registered… Read more