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Barron County v. K.L., 2022AP502, District 3, 02/07/2023 (one-judge decision, ineligible for publication), case activity K.L. (Katie) challenged the 2021 extension of her original 2013 Chapter 51  commitment on two grounds: (1) insufficient evidence of dangerousness and (2) the circuit court’s failure to “make specific factual findings with reference to the subdivision paragraph of Wis… Read more


Defense win: SCOW orders Machner hearing

State v. Larry L. Jackson, 2023 WI 3, 01/20/23, affirming in part, reversing in part, and remanding a per curiam court of appeals decision; case activity (including briefs) A unanimous supreme court holds that Jackson is entitled to an evidentiary hearing under State v. Machner on one of his three claims of ineffective assistance of counsel… Read more


State v. Ayodeji J. Aderemi, 2023 WI App 8; case activity (including briefs) This appeal concerns a problem many will encounter. An alleged attempt to e-file a document apparently failed. Here, the document was the State’s Information. Aderemi argued that the fumble caused the State to miss its filing deadline, so under §971.01(2) the circuit… Read more


State v. James P. Killian, 2020AP2012, review of a published court of appeals decision granted 1/20/23; case activity Issues presented (from state’s PFR): Has the State exposed Killian to multiple prosecutions for the same offense in violation of double-jeopardy principles? The facts here are complex, and summarized in our post on the court of appeals decision… Read more


Winnebago County v. D.J.S., 2022AP1281, District 2 (one-judge decision ineligible for publication), case activity Accompanied by a familiar sounding caveat that “it certainly would have been better if the County had presented more evidence and the circuit court had been more detailed and specific in its oral determination,” the court of appeals rejects D.J.S.’s sufficiency… Read more


N.D. v. E.S., 2022AP1084, District 2, 01/25/23 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Nancy (N.D.) petitioned to terminate Ed’s (E.D.’s) parental rights on the grounds that he abandoned their daughter, Kim. See Wis. Stat. § 48.415(1). At trial, Ed asserted a “good cause” defense that Nancy prevented him from having contact with Kim, and… Read more


January 2023 publication list

On January 25, 2023, the court of appeals ordered the publication of the following criminal-law related decision: State v. Steven W. Bowers, 2023 WI App 4 (affirming suppression of evidence seized during warrantless search of defendant’s Dropbox account)… Read more


Brown County DHHS v. T.R., 2022AP1094, District 3, 1/20/23 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In a TPR proceeding a motion for summary judgment may be filed any time before trial, as prescribed in § 48.297(1) and (2), and is not governed by the time limit for summary judgment motions prescribed in § 802.08(1)… Read more