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Partial summary judgment in TPR case affirmed

C.K. and A.K. v. K.L., 2022AP1289, District 4, 12/22/22 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity The circuit court didn’t err in granting partial summary judgment on the termination of parental rights petition filed against K.L. by C.K. and A.K., the grandparents and guardians of K.L.’s daughter B.K., because there were no genuine issues of… Read more


December 2022 publication order

On December 21, 2022, the court of appeals ordered the publication of the following criminal law related decisions: State v. Dreama F. Harvey, 2022 WI App 60 (rejecting challenge to jury instructions that instructed on theories of liability not supported by the evidence, as instructions also instructed on theory supported by the evidence) State v… Read more


State v. Kevin Richard Raddemann, 2022AP668-CR, 12/21/22, District II (1-judge opinion, ineligible for publication); case activity (including briefs). In this misdemeanor OWI case, Raddemann moved to suppress evidence obtained following a stop of his vehicle. After the suppression hearing, he moved for reconsideration, arguing that a City of Hartford cemetery ordinance, which was the basis… Read more


Washington County v. Justin David Dettmering, 2022AP941, District 2, 12/21/22 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (including briefs) Dettmering didn’t demand a jury within the time indicated on the citation he was issued for OWI 1st, but he later claimed he should get a jury because he wasn’t advised of his right to a… Read more


Waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction affirmed

State v. C.W.P., 2022AP1240 & 2022AP1317, District 2, 12/14/22 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (2022AP1240; 2022AP1317) The state filed two juvenile delinquency petitions regarding C.W.P. and petitioned for waiver of juvenile jurisdiction in both cases. The circuit court held joint waiver hearings after which it granted waiver. The court of appeals rejects C.W.P.’s… Read more


State v. Donte Quintell McBride, 2021AP311-CR, 12/20/22, petition for review granted, 4/18/23, affirmed, 2023 WI 68;District 2; case activity (including briefs) District 1 (not recommended for publication); case activity (including briefs). In a 2-1 decision, Judge Donald (joined by Judge White) holds that officers do not have reasonable suspicion to seize the passenger of an… Read more


State v. Eric J. Debrow, 2021AP1732-CR, petition for review of an unpublished COA opinion granted 12/15/22, reversed, 2023 WI 54; case activity (including PFR, Response, and COA briefs) Issue presented (from the State’s petition): Did the court of appeals apply the proper legal standard to its review of the circuit court’s decision to deny Debrow’s motion… Read more


Adam Samia v. United States, USSC No 22-196  ; cert. granted 12/13/22; Scotusblog page (containing links to briefs and commentary) Question presented: Whether admitting a codefendant’s redacted out-of-court confession that immediately inculpates a defendant based on the surrounding context violates the defendant’s rights under the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment. Samia and 2 co-defendants… Read more