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State v. J.A.N., 2023AP1108, 5/14/24, District I (1-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity State v. Z.D.S., 2023AP1109, 5/14/24, District I (1-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity State v. S.R., 2023AP1110, 5/14/24, District I (1-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In a series of appeals seemingly aimed at the discretionary decisions of an… Read more


SCOW DIGs Ch. 51 involuntary med appeal

Winnebago County v. D.E.W., 2024 WI 21 (per curiam), 5/14/24, review of an unpublished court of appeals decision; case activity Although many practitioners may have hoped that this case would resolve recurrent issues in appeals of involuntary medication orders, those issues will have to be resolved another day given SCOW’s order dismissing the petition as… Read more


Kenosha County DC&FS v. A.G.O., 2023AP1305, 1307 & 1308, 5/8/24, District II (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In yet another TPR case involving allegations of ineffective assistance, COA affirms based on hard-to-overcome legal standards. “Adam” appeals TPR judgments involving three of his children. (¶1). He raises two issues: Summary Judgment  In the run-up… Read more


John Sabo v. Megan Erickson, No. 21-3332, 4/30/24 In an interesting § 1983 appeal, Sabo reveals a disturbing trend of miscalculated sentences by the Wisconsin DOC. We know that this is a criminal appeals blog and that a stand-alone post for this § 1983 case is a little off the beaten track compared to our… Read more

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Keith C. Henyard v. Cheryl Eplett, No. 22-3086, 4/26/24 Although Henyard argues that his conviction must be reversed because the lawyer who represented him was also the judicial official who bound him over for trial, the Seventh Circuit denies relief and holds that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals did not erroneously apply governing federal law… Read more


Winnebago County v. A.F.H., 2023AP1798, 5/1/24, District II (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In this chapter 51 appeal from an order for involuntary commitment and treatment, and an order denying postdisposition relief, the court of appeals affirms, concluding that even without the inadmissible hearsay, sufficient evidence existed supporting the underlying orders. The circuit… Read more


State v. L.R.J., 2023AP1902, 5/8/24, District II (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity “Lincoln” succeeds on his claim related to sex offender registration due to the State’s concession but fails to rebut the presumption that the court acted impartially when revoking a stayed Serious Juvenile Offender (SJO) order. Lift of SJO Order Following a… Read more


Seventh Circuit cases for April

April was a busy month; we’ve tried to pull out those cases most relevant to our readers: Daniel Madero v. Owen McGuinness, No. 23-2574: This case arises from a lawsuit alleging a false arrest. After a hit-and-run accident, the victim and several witnesses tried to play vigilante and track down the culprit. They violently confronted… Read more