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4. Specific issues

State v. Damon R. Lowe, 2012AP555-CR, District 2, 9/18/13; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Lowe, charged with sexual and physical abuse of V.A.L., his adopted daughter, sought to present evidence that she was motivated to fabricate her allegations because she wanted to get away from her overly strict father, who… Read more


  On review of court of appeals certification; case activity: Pinno; Seaton Issue (from certification): Is the failure to object to the closure of a public trial to be analyzed upon appellate review under the “forfeiture standard” or the “waiver standard”? See our previous post for further discussion… Read more


State v. Laurence W. Tucker, 2012 WI App 67 (recommended for publication); for Tucker: Robert T. Ruth; case activity Tucker pleaded guilty pursuant to plea bargain, which terms included continuation of his release on bond and compliance with same. After Tucker failed to appear at sentencing, necessitating his arrest on a bench warrant and issuance… Read more


State v. Christina L. Contizano, 2011AP477-CR, District 4, 10/27/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Contizano: Robert C. Howard III; case activity At Contizano’s sentencing for obstructing, based on lying to the police about her daughter’s location, the trial court didn’t erroneously exercise discretion in allowing Contizano’s ex-husband to advocate as a “victim” of… Read more


State v. Mark Allan Campbell, 2011 WI App 18; for Campbell: Steven D. Phillips, SPD, Madison Appellate; Campbell BiC; State Resp.; Reply (Sentencing issue in the case discussed separately, here.) Plea Bargain – Breach The plea agreement required the prosecutor to recommend a 20-year sentence, comprised of 5-7 years’ confinement and the balance on extended supervision… Read more


Plea Bargain – Prosecutorial Compliance

State v. Christopher Jones, 2009AP2761-CR, District 1, 9/28/10 court of appeals decision (3-judge, not recommended for publication); for Jones: Jeremy C. Perri, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate; BiC; Resp.; Reply The court rejects a claim of an “end-run” around the plea bargain, which limited the State’s recommendation to 10 years imprisonment while leaving the “configuration” of confinement… Read more


State v. Robert L. Duckett, 2010 WI App 44

court of appeals decision; for Duckett: Michael K. Gould, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate; BiC; Resp. Br.; Reply Br. Guilty Pleas – Breach – Lack of Contemporaneous Objection Failure to object contemporaneously forfeits right of review of subsequently-asserted plea bargain breach. The issue therefore is reviewable only “in the context of a claim for ineffective assistance of… Read more


State v. Christopher F. Becker, 2009 WI App 59, PFR filed 5/8/09 For Becker: Jeremy C. Perri, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue/Holding: By failing to object, defendant waived right to challenge judicial response to deliberating jury’s question, notwithstanding conceded unanimity problems in the response: ¶15   Nevertheless, we must agree with the State and hold that Becker… Read more