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4. Specific issues

State v. Dhosi J. Ndina, 2009 WI 21, affirming 2007 WI App 268 For Ndina: Richard L. Kaiser Issue/Holding: (Generally:) ¶29      Although cases sometimes use the words “forfeiture” and “waiver” interchangeably, the two words embody very different legal concepts. “Whereas forfeiture is the failure to make the timely assertion of a right, waiver is the… Read more


State v. Benjamin D. Tarrant, 2009 WI App 121 For Tarrant: Susan E. Alesia, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding:   ¶6        Waiver. Before addressing the merits, the State argues that Tarrant’s no contest plea constitutes a waiver of all nonjurisdictional defects and defenses. State v. Multaler, 2002 WI 35, ¶54, 252 Wis. 2d 54, 643 N.W.2d… Read more


State v. Chase E. Kaczmarski, 2009 WI App 117 For Kaczmarski: Harold L. Harlowe, David M. Gorwitz Issue/Holding: ¶7        Forfeiture is a rule of judicial administration, and whether we apply the rule is a matter addressed to our discretion. [3] See Ford Motor Co. v. Lyons, 137 Wis. 2d 397, 417, 405 N.W.2d 354 (Ct… Read more


Closing Argument – Reference to Defendant’s Failure to Testify

State v. Carmen L. Doss, 2008 WI 93, reversing 2007 WI App 208 For Doss: Robert R. Henak Issue/Holding: Closing argument remarks addressed to Doss’s failure to explain missing funds did not amount to a comment on her failure to testify: ¶81      … [F]or a prosecutor’s comment to constitute an improper reference to a defendant’s… Read more


State v. Donald W. Jorgensen, 2008 WI 60, reversing unpublished decision For Jorgensen: Martha K. Askins, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue: The present convictions stemmed from Jorgensen showing up for an otherwise unrelated hearing intoxicated; without objection, the prosecutor obtained admission of that hearing’s transcript, which the trial court read to the jury: is Jorgensen entitled… Read more


State v. Kevin M. Champlain, 2008 WI App 5, (AG’s) PFR filed 1/4/08 For Champlain: Martha K. Askins, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶15      The State first argues that Champlain has waived the armband issue. The State contends that Champlain cannot not be heard to complain about the jury seeing the armband device when he himself… Read more


State v. Caltone K. Cockrell, 2007 WI App 217, PFR filed For Cockrell: Paul R. Nesson, Jr. Issue/Holding: ¶44, n. 14: The State also argues that Cockrell waived his right to object on this ground because he did not move for a mistrial. We agree with Cockrell that the case the State relies on for… Read more


State v. Scott R. Nelson, 2007 WI App 2, PFR filed 1/22/07 For Nelson: Joseph L. Sommers Issue/Holding: ¶7 n. 3: Because Nelson is making facial challenges to the constitutionality of chapter 980, the State’s assertion that Nelson has waived his constitutional arguments lacks merit. See State v. Bush, 2005 WI 103, ¶19, 283 Wis… Read more