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4. Specific issues

State v. Eric W. Raye, 2005 WI 68, reversing unpublished decision of court of appeals For Raye: Brian C. Hough Issue: Whether the defendant failed to lodge contemporaneous objection (which would have waived appellate challenge) to a non-unanimous verdict revealed during jury polling when a juror indicated he did not in fact subscribe to the… Read more


State v. Mahlik D. Ellington, 2005 WI App 243 For Ellington: Andrea Taylor Cornwall Issue/Holding: An objection on relevancy grounds does not preserve a confrontation-based argument, ¶14.    … Read more


State v. Tremaine Y., 2005 WI App 56, PFR filed 3/4/05 For Tremaine: Robert W. Peterson, Samantha Jeanne Humes, SPD, Milwaukee Trial Issue: Whether challenge to an earlier change-of-placement delinquency order, as a means of challenging the jurisdictional basis for the current ch. 980 commitment petition, comes too late to be entertained. Holding: ¶8 The… Read more


State v. William E. Draughon III, 2005 WI App 162, (AG’s) PFR filed For Draughton: Stephen L. Miller Issue/Holding: ¶8 n. 2: We observe that Draughon did not object to the jury instruction when provided the opportunity by the circuit court. Draughon nonetheless raises his objection here under color of his ineffective assistance of counsel… Read more


Village of Trempeleau v. Mike R. Mikrut, 2004 WI 79, affirming unpublished decision Issue/Holding: (Emphasis supplied) ¶15. Mikrut did not raise his challenge to the circuit court’s competency until long after the judgment against him had been upheld on appeal. The circuit court and the court of appeals therefore held that the argument was waived… Read more


State v. Johnnie Carprue, 2004 WI 111, reversing 2003 WI App 148, 266 Wis. 2d 168, 667 N.W.2d 800 For Carprue: Stephanie G. Rapkin Issue/Holding: ¶34 Subsection (3) of § 906.14 authorizes objections, and it “defers the requirement of a timely objection . . . to the next available opportunity when the jury is not… Read more


State v. Obea S. Hayes, 2004 WI 80, affirming 2003 WI App 99, 264 Wis. 2d 377, 663 N.W.2d 351 For Hayes: Philip J. Brehm Issue: Whether challenge to sufficiency of evidence must be raised during trial in order to preserve the right to raise the challenge on appeal. Holding: State v. Gomez, 179 Wis… Read more


State v. Rex E. Wollenberg, 2004 WI App 20, PFR filed 1/8/04 For Wollenberg: Susan E. Alesia, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶12. Second, assuming this was a DPA, Wollenberg claims the judgment is void because the agreement was never in writing. Wollenberg, however, invited the error he alleges, and we normally will not review invited… Read more