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1. Objection requirement

Jackson County Department of Human Services v. I.J.R.,, 2023AP1495-6 4/11/24, District IV (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In yet another beefy TPR appeal presenting multiple issues, COA rejects all of I.J.R.’s arguments and affirms. Right to Appear In-Person at Summary Judgment Hearing Here, the petitioner moved for partial summary judgment as to grounds… Read more


Portage County v. D.P.W.O., 2023AP1975, 3/7/24, District IV (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In yet another appeal challenging the use of hearsay statements contained within an examiner’s report, COA rejects D.P.W.O.’s attempt to use the plain error doctrine to prove that this unpreserved error merits reversal of the extension order. At D.P.W.O.’s extension… Read more


State v. David A. Schultz, 2022AP1622, 2/13/24, District III (not recommended for publication); case activity Schultz’s technical challenge to this OWI conviction fails, as COA finds sufficient evidence that the bar parking lot in which Schultz operated his motor vehicle was covered by the OWI statute. Schultz tried to leave the “Bull Pen Bar” and… Read more


Douglas County v. M.L, 2022AP141, 12/28/23, District III (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Faced with a challenge to the circuit court’s competency in this protective placement appeal, COA holds that the appellant has forfeited his challenge and therefore affirms. “Mason” appeals an order continuing his protective placement following a due process review hearing… Read more


Manitowoc County v. M.B., 2023AP163-164, 9/20/23, District II(one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Applying a deferential standard of review, COA holds that the circuit court did not err when it ordered a parent to comply with an out-of-state psychosexual evaluation/assessment as a condition of return. M.B. entered an admission that two of his children… Read more


Waukesha County v. M.A.C., 2023AP533, District II, 7/28/23, petition for review granted 12/12/23; 1-judge decision ineligible for publication; case activity (briefs not available) In a Chapter 51 case with troubling due process implications, COA is compelled to affirm by virtue of what it believes to be binding precedent. (Note: This post has been updated to reflect… Read more


State v. Eric J. Debrow, 2023 WI 54, 6/23/23, reversing an unpublished court of appeals decision; case activity (including briefs) In yet another reversal of a defense win, SCOW defers to the circuit court’s decision denying a motion for mistrial but slightly muddies the waters as to the proper legal analysis when assessing mistrial claims… Read more


State v. I.B., 2022AP911 & 2022AP912, District I, 6/6/23 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (briefs not available) Although the State appears to have conceded it did not follow the statutory requirements for proper service of the petition(s) in this TPR, Ivy’s appeal fails because she did not object below. And, because the error… Read more