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d. Undeveloped argument

State v. Nicholas M. Gimino, 2012AP1498-CR, District II/IV, 3/7/13 (unpublished); case activity. While this decision is not recommended for publication, it highlights a very touchy subject–when does conduct many parents engage in rise to the level of physical abuse of a child?  The answer may surprise you. Here’s what happened.  Gimino took his 2-year-old daughter for a… Read more


Appellate Briefs

State v. Jeremiah R. Connour, 2011AP1489-CR, District 3, 7/31/12 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity ¶3 n. 2: Connour’s thirty-eight-page statement of the case includes primarily verbatim Q & A trial testimony, but nonetheless omits relevant evidence necessary to address his postconviction claims.  Most of the remainder of Connour’s recitation of the “facts” inappropriately… Read more


State v. John Norman, 2003 WI 72, affirming unpublished decision of court of appeals For Norman: Angela Kachelski Issue/Holding: Norman’s failure on appeal to develop an argument analytically necessary to the issue he raises waives his right to have that issue reviewed. ¶64… Read more


State v. Debra Noble, 2001 WI App 145, reversed, other grounds, State v. Debra Noble, 2002 WI 64For Noble: Jeff P. Brinckman Issue: Whether failure to cite relevant authority in support of appellate argument establishes waiver. Holding: ¶11 … But Noble cites no authority requiring a tape recording, a transcript, or a signed statement to… Read more