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A. Right to appeal

Milwaukee County v. Mary F.-R., 2012AP958, affirming an unpublished court of appeals opinion; case activity Majority opinion by Justice Crooks; concurrence by Chief Justice Abrahamson; additional concurrence by Justice Ziegler (joined by Justices Roggensack and Gableman) The issues in this case spring from State v. Post, 197 Wis. 2d 279, 318-319, 541 N.W.2d 115 (1995)(“persons committed under… Read more


Dane County v. Sheila W., 2013 WI 63 (per curiam), affirming court of appeals summary disposition; case activity The supreme court dismisses as moot a case presenting the questions of whether Wisconsin recognizes the “mature minor” doctrine, which permits a minor to give or refuse consent to medical treatment after a finding that she is sufficiently mature… Read more


Amy W. v. David G., 2013 WI App 83; case activity David G.’s parental rights were terminated in a proceeding commenced by the child’s mother. He filed a timely notice of intent to pursue postdisposition relief, but his appointed appellate counsel failed to file a notice of appeal before the deadline. (¶3). That deadline cannot be… Read more


State v. David J. Galarowicz, 2012AP933-CR, District 3, 12/11/12 court of appeals decision (1 judge; not eligible for publication); case activity Galarowicz was not denied his right to a unanimous jury verdict on one count of disorderly conduct where the evidence showed an incident of disorderly conduct with the victim in the residence and additional conduct… Read more


court of appeals certification request; certification granted 2/25/13; case activity (Seaton); case activity (Pinno) Issue Presented (from Certification):  Is the failure to object to the closure of a public trial to be analyzed upon appellate review under the “forfeiture standard” or the “waiver standard”? As suggested, in each of these consolidated cases the trial judge barred the… Read more


State v. Allen Dell Vaughn, 2012 WI App 129 (recommended for publication); case activity Waiver / Forfeiture of Right, Generally  Waiver is the intentional relinquishment or abandonment of a known right or privilege; forfeiture is:  (1) the failure to object to something without intending to relinquish that which an objection might have preserved and (2) doing something incompatible with… Read more


State v. Curtis L. Jackson, 2011AP2698-CR, District 1, 10/10/12; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication), petition for review granted 2/11/13, affirmed, 2014 WI 4 (1/22/14); case activity Waiver (Lack of Objection), Generally – Jury Instructions ¶8        … To obtain relief based on a jury instruction to which no objection was made, Jackson… Read more


Milwaukee County v. Mary F.-R., 2012AP958, District 1, 10/2/12; court of appeals (1-judge, ineligible for publication), petition for review granted 2/11/13; case activity Ch. 51 Commitment – Sufficiency of Evidence Evidence held sufficient to uphold commitment, on issue of “dangerousness,” State v. Poellinger, 153 Wis. 2d 493, 507, 451 N.W.2d 752, (1990), applied:  ¶12      Here, the County had to prove… Read more