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28. Weight of authority

State v. Travis J. Malinowski, 2010AP1084-CR, District 3, 11/30/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Malinowski: Chad A. Lanning; Malinowski BiC; State Resp.; Reply Exigent-circumstances doctrine supports warrantless blood draw of person arrested for driving under the influence of drugs, no less than under the influence of alcohol, State v. Bohling, 173… Read more


Arrest – Probable Cause – OWI

County of Washington v. Michael D. Brazee, 2010AP687, District 2, 9/8/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Brazee: Walter Arthur Piel, Jr.; BiC; Resp.; Reply Probable cause to arrest found notwithstanding absence of PBT, given erratic driving, admission of drinking 8-10 beers, and failed field sobriety test performance: ¶17    Brazee seems to be asserting that under Renz… Read more


Blum v. 1st Auto & Casualty Insurance Company, 2010 WI 78 ¶42 We next address whether a court of appeals decision retains any precedential value when it is overruled by this court. We hold that when the supreme court overrules a court of appeals decision, the court of appeals decision no longer possesses any precedential… Read more


court of appeals decision (1-judge; not for publication); for Manske: Jennifer R. Drow; BiC; Resp.; Reply Traffic Stop – Reasonable Suspicion ¶16     Manske submits that because his driving was in some respects not consistent with an impaired driver, Galipo did not have reasonable suspicion to stop him. However, the test for reasonable suspicion… Read more


court of appeals decision, affirmed 2011 WI 6; for Brenda: Leonard D. Kachinsky TPR – Plea to Grounds In taking a plea to TPR grounds, the court need not inform the parent of “sub-dispositions,” i.e., those which “pertain only to the effect on the child, addressing who will have guardianship and custody in the event… Read more


Zarder v. Acuity, 2010 WI 35

supreme court decision; BiC; Resp.; Reply Court of Appeals Authority to Declare Dicta ¶57     By concluding that a statement in a supreme court opinion is dictum, the court of appeals necessarily withdraws or modifies language from that opinion, contrary to our directive in Cook. … ¶58     If the court of appeals could dismiss a statement in… Read more


State v. John A. Wood, 2010 WI 17

Wisconsin supreme court decision; below: certification; for Wood: Kristin E. Lehker; for amicus, Disability Rights Watch: Kristin Kerschensteiner; Supp. App. Br.; Supp. Resp.; Supp. Reply Due Process Challenge to Statute ¶13      A party may challenge a law or government action as being unconstitutional on its face.  Under such a challenge, the challenger must show that the law cannot… Read more


State v. Marvin L. Beauchamp, 2010 WI App 42

court of appeals decision, affirmed, 2011 WI 27; for Beauchamp: Martin E. Kohler, Craig S. Powell; case activity Dying Declaration, § 908.045(3) ¶8        …  dying declaration, codified in Wisconsin Stat. Rule 908.045(3): “A statement made by a declarant while believing that the declarant’s death was imminent, concerning the cause or circumstances of… Read more