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10. Evidentiary decisions

State v. Desmond Dejuan Laster, 2012AP1739-CR, District 1, 4/2/13; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity The trial court did not erroneously exercise its discretion in making two evidentiary rulings or in denying Laster’s  motion for a mistrial. On the first evidentiary ruling, the court of appeals holds the trial court properly… Read more


State v. Dion M. Echols, 2010AP2626-CR, District 1, 9/27/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Echols: Amelia L. Bizzaro; case activity Evidence held sufficient to establish “great bodily harm” element of 1st-degree sexual assault, § 940.225(1)(a), where the harm was inflicted a short time after the assault. ¶23      In this case, the trial court… Read more


State v. Henry W., 2011AP693, District 1, 6/7/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Henry W.: Jane S. Earle; case activity Testimony of a “bonding expert” as to how the child’s view of her father would make it difficult for him to meet conditions of return, was relevant and admissible in the… Read more


State v. Jeffrey D. Walli, 2011 WI App 86 (recommended for publication); for Walli: Chad A. Lanning; case activity Trial court factual findings made from a combination of live testimony and video evidence are reviewed deferentially, under the “clearly erroneous” standard of review; the court rejects de novo review of the video recording. Here, it… Read more


State v. Kevin M. Moore, 2009AP3167-CR, District 2, 12/15/10  court of appeals decision (3-judge, not recommended for publication); for Moore: Jeffrey W. Jensen; Moore BiC; State Resp.; Reply Evidence – Frequenting “Gentleman’s Club” as Source of Friction with Deceased Evidence that Moore spent much time and money at a local “gentleman’s club,” offered by the… Read more


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State v. John P. Hunt, 2003 WI 81, reversing unpublished order of court of appeals For Hunt: Rex R. Anderegg Issue/Holding: ¶43. The State maintains that the court of appeals erred in interpreting Sullivan. We agree. Sullivan does not state, as the decision of the court of appeals suggests, that in situations where the circuit court fails to set forth… Read more