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1. Miranda custody

State v. Deandre J. Bernard, 2012AP750-CR, District 4, 10/17/13; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Trial counsel’s failure to impeach witness with mental health condition was not prejudicial Trial counsel was not ineffective for failing to impeach the credibility of a witness who testified that Bernard told her “I think I… Read more


State v. Matthew A. Lonkoski, 2013 WI 30, affirming unpublished court of appeals decision; case activity About 30 minutes into being questioned by police about the death of his daughter, Matthew Lonkoski said he wanted a lawyer. (¶12). Under Edwards v. Arizona, 451 U.S. 477 (1981), the invocation of the right to counsel would mean the police… Read more


State v. Corey J. Uhlenberg, 2013 WI App 59; case activity Miranda custody Uhlenberg was in “custody” during an interview at the police department, so the circuit court should have suppressed the statements Uhlenberg made during the interrogation after he requested an attorney: ¶11      Throughout its arguments, the State emphasizes the fact that the detective repeatedly… Read more


Habeas – Miranda

Bobby v. Archie Dixon, USSC No. 10-1540, 11/7/11 (per curiam), reversing Dixon v. Houk, 627 F.3d 553 (6th Cir 2010) Under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, a state prisoner seeking a writ of habeas corpus from a federal court “must show that the state court’s ruling on the claim being presented in federal… Read more


Docket Decision below (617 F.3d 813 (6th Cir 2010)) Question Presented (by Scotusblog): Whether this Court’s clearly established precedent under 28 U.S.C. § 2254 holds that a prisoner is always “in custody” for purposes of Miranda any time that prisoner is isolated from the general prison population and questioned about conduct occurring outside the prison… Read more


State v. Colin G. Schloegel, 2009 WI App 85 For Schloegel: Sarvan Singh Issue/Holding: High school student Schloegel was not in custody for Miranda purposes, notwithstanding that he was frisked by police officer, compelled under school policy to consent to search of his car and asked, prior to formal arrest, incriminatory questions; analogy to State v. Dale Gruen, 218… Read more


Miranda – Custody

State v. Jeffrey L. Torkelson, 2007 WI App 272, PFR filed 11/30/07 For Torkelson: Timothy A. Provis Issue/Holding: Custody, for purposes of Miranda, requires that the suspect’s freedom be restricted to a degree associated with formal arrest, and is as gauged by a multi-factor test articulated in State v. Zan Morgan, 2002 WI App 124, ¶¶13-14. None of those… Read more


Custody — Juvenile Suspect

 A.M. v. Butler, 360 F.3d 787 (7th Cir. 2004) Issue/Holding1: In determining whether a person is “in custody,” the question is whether, examining the totality of the circumstances, a reasonable person in the petitioner’s position would have felt “at liberty to terminate the interrogation and leave.” Thompson v. Keohane, 516 U.S. 99, 112 (1995). In making this… Read more