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1. Miranda custody

Custody — Handcuffed in Squad

State v. Zan Morgan, 2002 WI App 124 For Morgan: Timothy A. Provis Issue: Whether Morgan was in custody, for Miranda purposes, after being handcuffed and placed in the back of a squad car. Holding: Custody is determined under “the totality of the circumstances, including such factors as: the defendant’s freedom to leave; the purpose, place, and length of… Read more


State v. Susan M. Goetz, 2001 WI App 294 For Goetz: Nila J. Robinson Issue: Whether a person, detained during execution of a search warrant but not handcuffed until after questioning, was in custody for Miranda purposes. Holding: A suspect detained during execution of a search warrant isn’t in custody under Miranda. ¶12. In this case, Goetz was… Read more


Custody — Terry-type Investigation

State v. Dale Gruen, 218 Wis. 2d 581, 582 N.W.2d 728 (Ct. App. 1998) For Gruen: Scott F. Anderson Issue/Holding: … (W)hether or not Gruen was being detained pursuant to a Terry stop, or had been arrested for Fourth Amendment purposes, is not the determinative consideration. The only important inquiry is whether, for Fifth amendment… Read more