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C. Voluntariness

State v. Danny G. Harrell, 2008 WI App 37 For Harrell: Patrick M. Donnelly, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: Expert opinion that Harrell is sexually violent was derived from his compelled, incriminatory statement and therefore also inadmissible, ¶¶14-35. The court essentially tracks the discussion in Mark, which therefore won’t be repeated, and applies it to the particular facts… Read more


State v. Charles W. Mark, 2008 WI App 44; on appeal following remand in State v. Mark, 2006 WI 78, 292 Wis. 2d 1, 718 N.W.2d 90 For Mark: Glenn L. Cushing, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding1: ¶20      When an individual has given an involuntary statement, a subsequent statement is also considered involuntary unless it can be “separated… Read more


State v. Charles W. Mark, 2008 WI App 44; on appeal following remand in State v. Mark, 2006 WI 78, 292 Wis. 2d 1, 718 N.W.2d 90 For Mark: Glenn L. Cushing, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding1: ¶28      In Kastigar, the … Court stated that, once a defendant demonstrates that he or she has testified under a grant of… Read more


Voluntariness – Statement to Field Agent

State v. Charles W. Mark, 2008 WI App 44; on appeal following remand in State v. Mark, 2006 WI 78, 292 Wis. 2d 1, 718 N.W.2d 90 For Mark: Glenn L. Cushing, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: Parolee’s statement made under grant of immunity (per State v. Evans, 77 Wis. 2d 225, 252 N.W.2d 664 (1977)), was compelled (therefore involuntary)… Read more


State v. Keith A. Davis, 2008 WI 71, on Certification For Davis: Chris A. Gramstrup Issue/Holding: ¶20      Principles applicable to polygraph testing are equally applicable to voice stress analysis. See Wis. Stat. § 905.065(1); 7 Daniel D. Blinka, Wisconsin Evidence§ 5065.1 (2d ed. 2001) (concluding that there is little reason to treat the forms of honesty testing mentioned in § 905.065 differently, “at least… Read more


State v. Keith A. Davis, 2008 WI 71, on Certification For Davis: Chris A. Gramstrup Issue/Holding1: Admissibility of a statement made in connection with a voice stress analysis (or other form of “honesty test”) turns on whether the statement is “totally discrete” from the testing procedure as gauged by the following factors: ¶23      Under the totality of the… Read more


State v. Heather A. Markwardt, 2007 WI App 242, PFR filed 11/29/07 For Markwardt: Richard Hahn Issue/Holding: Markwardt’s in-custody statement was voluntary: any stress she was under was “unrelated to police conduct” (¶37); she didn’t unequivocally assert her rights (¶40); that the interrogator “was at times confrontational and raised his voice is not improper police procedure and does… Read more


State v. Thomas G. Kramer, 2006 WI App 133, PFR filed 7/10 For Kramer: Timothy A. Provis Issue1: Whether failure to electronically record Kramer’s interrogations requires suppression. Holding1: Although the supreme court exercised supervisory authority granted it under Wis. Const. Art. VII, § 7, to require recording of juvenile interrogations, State v. Jerrell C.J., 2005 WI 105, the grant… Read more