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A. Right to counsel

State v. Scott J. Stelzer, 2013AP1555-CR, District 2, 12/27/13 (1-judge decision; ineligible for publication), case activity After being convicted of his 3rd OWI offense, Stelzer moved to exclude his 2nd OWI (which occurred in 1996) from the calculation of his prior convictions on the grounds that he was not represented by counsel when he pled… Read more


How many misdemeanor cases is too many for one public defender to take in one year?  Is it okay to advise a client to take a fantastic plea bargain without having a confidential conversation with him first?  What about skipping the investigation of  a client’s story?  In Wilbur v.  City of Mount Vernon, Case No. C11-1100RSL (12/4/13) the Western District of… Read more


State v. Joseph Jordan, 2011AP1249, District 1, 6/25/13; case activity; (not recommended for publication). What a challenging case.  A jury convicted Jordan of first-degree reckless homicide and other crimes.  He lost his direct appeal and then filed a pro se §974.06 motion requesting various forms of relief, including a new trial based on: (a) newly-discovered evidence, and (b) ineffective assistance of counsel… Read more


Amy W. v. David G., 2013 WI App 83; case activity David G.’s parental rights were terminated in a proceeding commenced by the child’s mother. He filed a timely notice of intent to pursue postdisposition relief, but his appointed appellate counsel failed to file a notice of appeal before the deadline. (¶3). That deadline cannot be… Read more


State v. Rodney Washington, 2012AP1015-CR, District 1, 3/26/13; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Statute of limitations, § 939.74(1) — sufficiency of “John Doe” complaint’s identification of defendant for purposes of tolling statute of limitations The crimes in this case—sexual assault and robbery—were alleged to have occurred in 1994 and 1995… Read more

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State v. Robert L. Tatum, Case No. 2011AP2439-CR, District 1, 1/29/13; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Denial of right to self-representation – competence to represent oneself The circuit court properly denied Tatum the right to represent himself based on his limited education and understanding of legal procedures, as evidenced by… Read more


State v. Dennis C. Strong, Jr., 2012AP1204-CR, District 3, 11/30/12 court of appeals decision (1-judge, ineligible for publication); case activity The trial court undertook an appropriate colloquy with Strong before allowing him to waive counsel and represent himself, leading to guilty pleas. The court thus rejects his claim that his pleas were premised on a… Read more


seventh circuit decision, denying habeas relief in 641 N.E.2d 371 (Ill. 1994) and 521 N.E.2d 38 (1988) Habeas Review – 6th Amendment Attachment of Counsel – State Court Findings The Seventh Circuit rejects, on habeas review of his Illinois conviciton, Thompkins’ challenge to admissibility of his statement. Thompkins made his statement after his arrest and, according to the state court, before… Read more

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