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A. Right to counsel

State v. Brandon J. Carter, 2010 WI App 37

court of appeals decision; for Carter: Melinda A. Swartz, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate; Resp. Br.; Reply Br. Ex Parte Judicial Questioning, Pretrial Proceeding Pretrial judicial questioning of a witness at return of a bench warrant worked deprivation of the defendant’s rights to counsel and presence at trial when the witness was subsequently impeached with statements she… Read more


State v. Todd E. Peterson, 2008 WI App 140 For Peterson: Ralph Sczygelski Issue/Holding: A defendant has a 6th amendment-based right to retained postconviction counsel of choice: ¶9        The State correctly counters that Miller and Gonzalez-Lopez involved the right to counsel of choice at trial. Here, Peterson was postconviction, at a Machner proceeding. …¶10      Martinez… Read more


State ex rel. Jarrad T. Panama v. Hepp, 2008 WI App 146 For Panama: Philip J. Brehm Issue/Holding: Panama’s collateral attack on a sentence previously affirmed by no-merit appeal may be canalized into a “Knight” habeas petition, at least where the challenge is based on a potential defect apparent in the record. The court continues… Read more


State v. Alvernest Floyd Kennedy, 2008 WI App 186 Pro se Issue/Holding: ¶10      There are two avenues by which an indigent criminal defendant will be afforded counsel at no expense. The first is through the legislatively created Office of the State Public Defender. The legislature created Wis. Stat. ch. 977 of the Wisconsin Statutes establishing the… Read more


Presentence Report – Right to Counsel

State v. Donald W. Thexton, 2007 WI App 11, PFR filed 1/02/07 For Thexton: Kirk B. Obear Issue/Holding: The agent’s use of a prior PSI during the interview of defendant for the current case did not trigger any additional right to counsel: ¶10      Thexton further argues that his right to counsel was violated because he was unable to consult… Read more


State v. Dwight Glen Jones, 2007 WI App 248 For Jones: Ellen Henak, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue/Holding:  ¶13   Although an indigent defendant does not have the right to pick his or her trial lawyer, Mulkovich v. State, 73 Wis. 2d 464, 474, 243 N.W.2d 198, 203–204 (1976) (“This court has frequently said that, except in… Read more


State ex rel. Luis Santana v. Endicott, 2006 WI App 13 Issue/Holding1: A claim that lapsed direct appeal rights should be restored on the basis of ineffective assistance of counsel must be sought via habeas filed in the court of appeals, pursuant to State v. Knight, 168 Wis. 2d 509, 484 N.W.2d 540 (1992): ¶1       … Read more


Criminal Appeals, Duties of Counsel, Generally

State v. Iran D. Evans, 2004 WI 84, reversing unpublished decision of court of appeals For Evans: Robert R. Henak Issue/Holding: ¶30. During postconviction proceedings, a defendant must choose between being represented by the SPD, proceeding pro se, or securing private representation. State v. Redmond, 203 Wis. 2d 13, 19, 552 N.W.2d 115 (Ct. App. 1996). A defendant… Read more