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2. Prejudice

Docket Decision below (CTA6) Questions Presented: Anthony Cooper faced assault with intent to murder charges. His counsel advised him to reject a plea offer based on a misunderstanding of Michigan law. Cooper rejected the offer, and he was convicted as charged. Cooper does not assert that any error occurred at the trial. On habeas review… Read more


State v. Dekoria Marks, 2010 WI App 172 (recommended for publication); for Marks: Joel A. Mogren; Marks BiC; State Resp.; Reply Ineffective Assistance – Inconsistent Defenses Counsel’s choice to pursue potentially inconsistent defenses (self-defense; no involvement) was, in light of the “not uncommon practice of lawyers to argue inconsistent theories,” within the wide range of… Read more


State v. Morris L. Harris, 2009AP2833-CR,  District 1, 10/13/10 court of appeals decision (3-judge, not recommended for publication); for Harris: Gary Grass; BiC; Resp.; Reply Lesser-Included Instruction – Battery Harris not entitled to instruction on simple battery as lesser included of substantial battery; the medical evidence established without contradiction that the victim suffered a fractured rib, therefore no… Read more


decision below: unpublished; for Harbor: Joseph E. Redding; court of appeals briefs: BiC; Resp.; Reply Issues (from Table of Pending Cases): Whether a defendant presented a new factor entitling sentence modification (See State v. Franklin, 148 Wis. 2d 1, 8, 434 N.W.2d 609 (1989). Whether a defendant demonstrated ineffective assistance of counsel under Strickland v… Read more


Habeas – Effective Assistance – Stun Belt

John M. Stephenson v. Levenhagen, 7th Cir No. 09-2924, 08/26/2010 7th Cir decision; petition for rehearing denied 1/14/11, 3 dissents from denial of en banc review Habeas – Effective Assistance – Stun Belt Counsel’s failure to object to placement of stun belt on Stephenson during trial was held by the state court to be deficient: accepting… Read more


State v. Jacquese Franklin Harrell, 2010 WI App 132; for Harrell: Michael S. Holzman; BiC; Resp.; Reply Terry Frisk – House The police had both reasonable suspicion that Harrell had committed a violent crime, and consent to be in his house to question him. Therefore, police inspection of a chair for possible weapons before allowing… Read more


State v. Christopher D. Jones, 2010 WI App 133; for Jones: Amelia L. Bizzaro; for Amicus, Innocence Network: Jerome F. Buting; BiC; Resp.; Reply; Amicus Br. Evidence – Daubert – Bullet Traced to Particular Gun The court rejects “a blanket rule barring as a matter of course all testimony purporting to tie cartridge cases and… Read more


State v. Sabian L. Yunck, 2009AP3020-CR, District 1, 8/17/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Yunck: Byron C. Lichstein; BiC; Resp.; Reply Sentence – Factors – Exercise of Constitutional Right Convicted of violating a domestic abuse order forbidding contact with the mother of his child, Yunck argues that sentence was impermissibly based… Read more