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Published 2002

State v. Leonard T. Collins, 2002 WI App 177 For Collins: Paul G. LaZotte, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶2. We agree with Collins that Wis. Stat. § 939.62(2m)(d) requires circuit courts to determine independently whether an out-of-state crime is comparable to a Wisconsin “serious felony,” even if the defendant admits that he or she is a persistent repeater. However… Read more


State v. Charles J. Burroughs, 2002 WI App 18 For Burroughs: William F. Mross Issue/Holding: Burroughs’ prior conviction in Alabama for assault with intent to murder is sufficiently comparable to attempted first degree intentional homicide so as to support exposure to persistent offender sentencing, § 939.62(2m)(c). ¶¶23-27.  … Read more


State v. James D. Miller, 2002 WI App 197, PFR filed 8/2/02 For Miller: Matthew H. Huppertz, Craig Kuhary, Daniel P. Fay Issue/Holding: The charging period of March 1, 1989, to March 31, 1993, was not too expansive to provide opportunity to prepare a defense, largely because of the victim’s youthfulness and vulnerable relationship (patient-therapist) to defendant, ¶31… Read more


State v. Roland Smart, 2002 WI App 240, PFR filed 9/24/02 For Smart: Donald T. Lang, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue: Whether sentencing-guideline disparity for driving while intoxicated under guidelines adopted by local counties pursuant to § 346.65(2m) violates equal protection or due process. Holding: Sentencing guideline disparities need be supported only by rational basis for equal protection purposes, as… Read more


State v. Michael A. Sveum,  2002 WI App 105, PFR filed 5/10/02 For Sveum: Ian A.J. Pitz Issue/Holding: A repeater enhancement applies only to a crime, which is an offense prohibited by state law and punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. Violation of harassment injunction fits this definition and therefore supports repeater enhancement. State v. Carpenter, 179 Wis. 2d… Read more


Enhancers — Collateral Attack on

State v. Charles J. Burroughs, 2002 WI App 18 For Burroughs: William F. Mross Issue: Whether the record sufficiently supports Burroughs’ guilty plea on a prior offense supporting his persistent offender status. Holding: Because Burroughs doesn’t contest the fact that he was represented by counsel when he entered the plea to the prior offense, his right to… Read more


State v. Paul Delao Quiroz, 2002 WI App 52 For Quiroz: Chad G. Kerkman Issue: Whether the maximum penalty for first-degree reckless endangerment of safety, enhanced by while armed and gang-related provisions, was 13 or 14 years. Holding: ¶13 … [State v. Pernell, 165 Wis. 2d 651, 656, 478 N.W.2d 297 (Ct. App. 1991)] establishes that… Read more


State v. Jeffrey Stout, 2002 WI App 41, PFR filed 2/21/02 For Stout: James L. Fullin, Jr., SPD, Madison Appellate Issue: Whether the police had reasonable suspicion to frisk inside a residence, based on an anonymous tip of drug activity coupled with corroboration of certain details and a furtive gesture. Holding: Although investigative stops must be made… Read more