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Published 2002

State v. Marc Norfleet, 2002 WI App 140 For Norfleet: Alan D. Eisenberg Issue/Holding: Once the trial court reasonably determines that disclosure of an informant’s identity is required, there is no need to hold an in camera hearing, ¶¶13-14… Read more


Plea Bargains – Breach: By Defendant

State v. Scott G. Zuniga, 2002 WI App 233, PFR filed 9/13/02 For Zuniga: Chad G. Kerkman Issue/Holding: Because the defendant was warned by the judge at a bond-release hearing that if he engaged in misconduct the state would seek a longer sentence, “the parties effectively modified the plea agreement by making the State’s obligation conditional upon… Read more


State v. Paul Delao Quiroz, 2002 WI App 52 For Quiroz: Chad G. Kerkman Issue:Whether defendant was entitled to withdraw his plea on the basis that he was unaware of the three-year presumptive minimum sentence on the weapon enhancer. Holding: ¶25 Both the complaint and the information contained the dangerous weapon enhancer and set forth… Read more


Witness – Impeachment — Pending Charges

State v. Jon P. Barreau, 2002 WI App 198, PFR filed 8/12/02 For Barreau: Glenn C. Reynolds Holding: A witness’s pending criminal charges are relevant to bias, even absent promises of leniency. ¶55. In this instance, the trial court prohibited cross-examination about whether the witness was receiving benefits from the state for his testimony, but only after the… Read more


Character — Extrinsic Proof, § 906.08(2)

State v. Troy D. Moore, 2002 WI App 245 For Moore: Suzanne L. Hagopian, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: Extrinsic evidence offered by the state solely to bolster a witness’s credibility, by showing that he had provided reliable information leading to the arrests of other drug dealers, violated § 906.08(2). ¶15. (Note: the court holds open the question… Read more


State v. Carlos R. Delgado, 2002 WI App 38 For Delgado: Richard D. Martin, Diana M. Felsmann, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶8. After reviewing these cases, we can discern some general rules: (1) an expert witness can offer opinion testimony only if it complies with Wis. Stat. § 907.02; (2) the testimony can include opinions… Read more


Hearsay – Authentication of Document

State v. Gary L. Gordon, 2002 WI App 53, affirmed, 2003 WI 69 For Gordon: Steven P. Weiss, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue: Whether proof-of-service documents, introduced to show defendant’s knowledge of a domestic violence injunction, violated the hearsay rule. Holding: ¶43. … However, these documents were not made under oath or attested to in any… Read more


State v. Shelleen B. Joyner, 2002 WI App 250, PFR filed 10/24/02 For Joyner: Margaret A. Maroney, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶18. Shelleen Joyner argues that Trudy Joyner’s statement is against her penal interest, however, because Trudy Joyner admitted that she “knowingly helped a robber escape.” We disagree. “[W]hen ruling upon a narrative’s admissibility …… Read more