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Published 2003

State v. Timothy T. Clark, 2003 WI App 121 For Clark: Rodney Cubbie Issue/Holding: Although warrantless automobile searches aren’t presumptively unreasonable, the automobile exception to the warrant requirement is inapplicable in the absence of probable cause to search the automobile. ¶18… Read more


Exigency — OWI Investigation, Entry of Home

State v. James L. Larson, 2003 WI App 150 For Larson: Rex Anderegg Issue/Holding: Exigent circumstances weren’t present to justify police entry of a residence to arrest a suspected drunk driver, Welsh v. Wisconsin, 466 U.S. 740 (1984) controlling. ¶¶17-22.  … Read more


State v. Cara A. Erickson, 2003 WI App 43, PFR filed Issue: Whether a warrantless draw of blood satisfies State v. Bohling, 173 Wis. 2d 529, 533- 34, 494 N.W.2d 399 (1993) where there is probable cause but not an actual arrest. Holding: ¶12. .. (I)n the absence of an arrest, probable cause to believe blood currently… Read more


State v. James S. Riedel, 2003 WI App 18, PFR filed 1/27/03 For Riedel: Ralph A. Kalal Issue/Holding: Police not required to obtain warrant in order to test blood seized pursuant to Implied Consent Law; State v. VanLaarhoven, 2001 WI App 275 extended (VanLaarhoven consented to initial seizure, Riedel didn’t). ¶¶11-16.  … Read more


State v. Joseph Steffes, 2003 WI App 55, PFR filed 3/13/03 For Steffes: Daniel P. Ryan Issue/Holding: Violation of administrative code provision does not support suppression. ¶¶9, 25. But: this decision was based largely on State ex rel. Peckham v. Krenke, 229 Wis. 2d 778, 601 N.W.2d 287 (Ct. App. 1999), a case that was essentially overruled… Read more


State v. Timothy T. Clark, 2003 WI App 121 For Clark: Rodney Cubbie Issue/Holding: Existence of, and compliance with, a police policy on conducting an inventory search relates only to the reasonableness of the search and not the seizure of the item searched: ¶11. Here, the State contends that the search of the vehicle was a… Read more


State v. James W. Keith, 2003 WI App 47, PFR filed 3/5/03 For Keith: Christopher A. Mutschler Issue/Holding: Evidence not suppressible merely because seized by officer effectuating stop outside of his or her jurisdiction: there is no “reason to ignore the well-established rule that suppression is required only when evidence is obtained in violation of a… Read more


State v. Terrance J. O’Neill, 2003 WI App 73 For O’Neill: Roger D. Sturdevant, SPD, Monroe Issue: Whether a judge’s persistent and partisan efforts to require litigation on a recurrent issue on which the court of appeals had already reversed him, in an unpublished case in which the judge actively appeared as a party on the… Read more