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Published 2003

State v. Donald R. Wield, 2003 WI App 179, PFR filed 8/28/03 For Wield: Donald T. Lang, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: In determining whether a prior conviction under a since-repealed statute is a serious child sex offense comparable to § 948.02(1) so as to invoke the persistent repeater law, the “elements only” test of Blockburger v. United States, 284 U.S… Read more


State v. Derryle S. McDowell, 2003 WI App 168, affirmed, 2004 WI 70, ¶¶42-47 For McDowell: Christopher J. Cherella Amici: Keith A. Findley, John T. Savee, John A. Pray, Frank Remington Center & WACDL Issue/Holding: The defendant’s right to testify does not include a right to testify falsely, Nix v. Whiteside, 475 U.S. 157 (1986): ¶37. From Nix, we derive five principles that… Read more


State v. Thomas A. Drexler, 2003 WI App 169, PFR filed 8/1/03 For Drexler: Ralph A. Kalal Issue/Holding: In support of a collateral attack on a prior OWI conviction used to enhance a current OWI prosecution, Drexler submitted an affidavit asserting that the trial court had not advised him of his right to counsel: although this was… Read more


State v. Paul R. Maxey, 2003 WI App 94 For Maxey: Douglas I. Henderson Issue/Holding: A sentence may be enhanced by both the general repeater provision of § 939.62(1)(b) (1999-2000) and § the specific repeat drug offender provision of § 961.48(2) (1999-2000), given the rationale of State v. Richard W. Delaney, 2003 WI 9: ¶14. In summary… Read more


State v. Guy W. Colstad, 2003 WI App 25 For Colstad: T. Christopher Kelly Issue/Holding: Expert testimony is not a prerequisite for admission of a PBT result at a suppression hearing. ¶29.  … Read more


State v. John Lee Schaefer, 2003 WI App 164, PFR filed 8/21/03 For Schaefer: Jefren E. Olsen, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue: Whether the search warrant was supported by probable cause to believe that the defendant currently possessed child pornography. Holding: ¶17. “[E]very probable cause determination must be made on a case-by-case basis, looking at the totality of… Read more


State v. John Lee Schaefer, 2003 WI App 164, PFR filed 8/21/03 For Schaefer: Jefren E. Olsen, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: The search warrant satisfied the particularity requirement by authorizing seizure of the following: “[p]hotographs, movies, slides, videotape, negatives, and/or undeveloped film which would tend to identify … any other juvenile”; and “[m]agazines, books, movies, and photographs… Read more


State v. Juan M. Orta, 2003 WI App 93 For Orta: Glenn L. Cushing, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶2 … (A)n individual who occupies a public restroom stall does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when he or she occupies it with another individual, leaves the door slightly ajar and unlatched, and evinces no… Read more