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Published 2004

State v. Ibrahim Begicevic, 2004 WI App 57 For Begicevic: Donna J. Kuchler Issue: Whether reading the “Informing the Accused” form in English to a non-English speaking driver was an unreasonable way of conveying required implied consent warnings. Holding: ¶21. Kennedy did not attempt to obtain an interpreter. When Kennedy read the Informing the Accused in… Read more


State v. Shawn A. Beasley, 2004 WI App 42, PFR filed 3/26/04 For Beasley: Robert Ruth Issue: Whether charges and convictions for burglary while armed (§ 943.10(2)(a)) and burglary while committing battery (§ 943.10(2)(d)) are multiplicitous. Holding: ¶5. We reject Beasley’s challenge for two reasons. First, the subsections of Wis. Stat. § 943.10(2) do not define penalty enhancers, they… Read more


State v. Clyde Baily Williams, 2004 WI App 56, federal habeas denied, Williams v. Bartow, 481 F.3d 492 (7th Cir 2007) For Williams: Margaret A. Maroney, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: Issuing new charges for “a completely separate and distinct criminal episode” after the grant of appellate relief does not give rise to a presumption of vindictiveness: ¶45… Read more


State v. Clyde Baily Williams, 2004 WI App 56, federal habeas denied, Williams v. Bartow, 481 F.3d 492 (7th Cir 2007) For Williams: Margaret A. Maroney, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶22. We begin by addressing Williams’ double jeopardy claim. He submits that the trial court failed to exercise “sound discretion” in declaring a mistrial after his counsel… Read more


State v. Richard G. White, 2004 WI App 78, (AG’s) PFR filed 4/1/04 For White: James A. Rebholz Issue/Holding: ¶23. Under Wis. Stat. § 971.23(1)(f), a prosecutor must, upon request, disclose to the defense “[t]he criminal record of a prosecution witness which is known to the district attorney.” A prosecutor, however, has an affirmative duty to make… Read more


State v. Michael D. Lewis, 2004 WI App 211 For Lewis: Timothy A. Provis Issue/Holding: Sentence of life imprisonment without possibility of parole, as persistent repeater due to prior conviction for sexual assault of a child, on a current conviction for child enticement isn’t cruel / unusual punishment under the 8th amendment. ¶¶16-18.  … Read more


State v. Franciollo L. Jones, 2004 WI App 212, PFR filed 11/11/04 For Jones: Syovata Edari; Ellen Henak (on PFR), SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue: Whether the trial court properly ordered Jones to pay a DNA surcharge even though he had already provided a DNA sample in an earlier case. Holding: ¶5 WISCONSIN STAT. § 973.047 obligates the… Read more


State v. David Arredondo, 2004 WI App 7, PFR filed 1/22/04 For Arredondo: James A. Rebholz Issue:Whether the defendant’s explicit waiver of his right to testify was conditional (on the outcome of two defense witnesses) such that another colloquy should have been conducted; or, if the waiver is deemed binding, whether the trial court nonetheless erroneously… Read more