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3. Evidence

State v. Jessica M. Weissinger, 2014 WI App 73, petition for review granted 10/15/14, affirmed, 2015 WI 42; case activity Saying it is bound by the rule from Youngblood v. Arizona, 488 U.S. 51 (1988), the court of appeals holds that the state’s destruction of a blood sample before the defendant was notified of her option to… Read more


State v. Megan A. Padley, 2014 WI App 65; case activity The implied consent statute that allows an officer to ask for a driver for a blood sample when the officer lacks probable cause to arrest for OWI but has “reason to believe” the driver committed a traffic violation, § 343.305(3)(ar)2., is not facially unconstitutional. In addition, Padley’s consent to the blood… Read more


State v. Lawrence A. Levasseur, Jr., 2013AP2369-CR, District 4, 2/6/14; court of appeals decision (1-judge; ineligible for publication); case activity The arresting officer used an implied consent form that pre-dated the 2009 amendments to § 343.305, so it omitted language about accidents involving death or serious injury–language that did not apply to Levasseur’s situation. The use… Read more


State v. Raylene A. Brinkmeier, 2013AP15-CR, District 4, 8/1/13; court of appeals decision (1-judge; ineligible for publication); case activity The police had probable cause under § 343.303 to request Brinkmeier to submit to a preliminary breath test (PBT): ¶13     Contrary to Brinkmeier’s argument, the evidence supporting probable cause in this appeal does not differ… Read more


Blood draw at jail by EMT was reasonable

State v. Constance Ilene Osborne, 2012AP2540-CR, District 4, 6/27/13; court of appeals decision (1-judge; ineligible for publication); case activity The results of a blood draw done by an EMT at the jail after Osborne was arrested for OWI were admissible because the method and manner of the blood draw were reasonable and the EMT was… Read more


OWI – probable cause to administer PBT

Dane County v. Steven D. Koehn, 2012AP1718, District 4, 1/10/13 Court of appeals decision (1 judge; ineligible for publication); case activity Motion to suppress evidence of intoxication properly denied because arresting officer had probable cause to administer a preliminary breath test. The court of appeals rejects Koehn’s claims that the officer’s failure to testify about… Read more


State v. Stephen R. Tollaksen, Jr., 2012AP778-CR, District 4, 1/10/13 Court of appeals decision (1 judge; ineligible for publication); case activity The court of appeals affirms the denial of motion to suppress evidence of blood test results where circuit court found that Tollaksen had not requested an additional test to determine the presence of alcohol… Read more


State v. Thomas E. Schmidt, 2012 WI App 137 (recommended for publication); case activity After performing an HGN test, which exhibited 6 out of 6 indicia of impairment, Schmidt was arrested for OWI. At the ensuing trial, he asserted diabetes as a possible cause for the HGN result. The trial court ordered, as a condition of his… Read more

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