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3. Prejudice, 904.03

State v. Steven G. Walters, 2004 WI 18, reversing 2003 WI App 24 For Walters: David A. Danz Issue/Holding: ¶16. … The term “Richard A.P. evidence” comes from a decision of the court of appeals in which a defendant accused of molesting a child sought to introduce character evidence through the testimony of a psychologist. State v. Richard A.P… Read more


§ 904.03, Unfair Prejudice – Autopsy Photo

State v. Gregg A. Pfaff, 2004 WI App 31 For Pfaff: Rex Anderegg Issue/Holding: ¶34. Whether photographs are to be admitted is a matter within the trial court’s discretion. State v. Lindvig, 205 Wis. 2d 100, 108, 555 N.W.2d 197 (Ct. App. 1996). We will not disturb the court’s discretionary decision “unless it is wholly unreasonable… Read more


State v. John P. Hunt, 2003 WI 81, reversing unpublished order of court of appeals For Hunt: Rex R. Anderegg Issue/Holding: ¶72. In determining whether a piece of evidence is unfairly prejudicial, we have held that cautionary instructions help to limit any unfair prejudice that might otherwise result. Plymesser, 172 Wis. 2d at 596-97.¶73. Contrary to Hunt’s argument and the… Read more


Cross-examination – Impeachment of Defense Witness with Parole Eligibility Date

State v. Dennis E. Scott, 2000 WI App 51, 234 Wis. 2d 129, 608 N.W.2d 753 For Scott: Joseph E. Redding Issue: Whether a defense witness was properly impeached with evidence that he was serving life in prison with no prospect for parole. Holding: The witness’s attempt to admit the crimes and exonerate the defendant… Read more