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4. Character, 904.04

State v. Curtis L. Jackson, 2014 WI 4, affirming an unpublished court of appeals decision; majority opinion by Justice Ziegler; Justice Bradley concurs; Chief Justice Abrahamson dissents; case activity In a decision that clarifies the rules regarding evidence of the victim’s character in cases involving self-defense, the supreme court holds that a defendant may present evidence… Read more

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State v. Robert Vincent McCoy, 2012AP2583-CR, District 1, 1/7/14; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity An armed robbery outside a bar was caught on the security camera of a nearby homeowner, who gave a copy of the video to the police by uploading it on YouTube and emailing it to the… Read more


State v. Jeffrey A. Adamczak, 2013 WI App 150; case activity Admission of other acts evidence Adamczak was charged with sexual exploitation by a therapist in violation of Wis. Stat. § 940.22 for having sexual contact with Sabrina. He testified the contact occurred, but only after the patient-therapist relationship was over. (¶¶3, 5). Before trial the… Read more


State v. Richard P. Hessil, 2013AP944-CR, District 2, 10/23/13; court of appeals decision (1-judge; ineligible for publication); case activity Hessil, charged with resisting an officer, disorderly conduct, and failure to obey a traffic officer, unsuccessfully moved to admit evidence of citizen complaints and police employment records to cast doubt on the arresting officer’s character for truthfulness, citing… Read more


State v. Robert T. Warriner, 2012AP244-CR, District 2/1, 7/2/13; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Instruction on first degree child sexual assault as lesser-included of repeated child sexual assault At trial the child testified that Warriner sexually assaulted her on only two occasions, so the trial court agreed, over Warriner’s objections… Read more


State v. Ronell Howlett, 2012AP1672-CR, District 1, 5/14/13; court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Howlett, a school bus driver, was convicted of three counts of sexual assault of C.A., a nine-year-old child he was responsible for driving. (¶¶1-3, 7). Adopting significant portions of the trial court’s postconviction ruling, the court of… Read more

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State v. Gene A. Echols, 2013 WI App 58; case activity Echols is entitled to a new trial on charges of child sexual assault because the trial court erred in prohibiting evidence relating to the complainant’s motive to fabricate the assault and in admitting testimony from Echols’s employer that he only stutters when he is… Read more


Review of unpublished court of appeals decision; case activity Issues (composed by On Point) 1. Whether the jury instructions on self defense as it pertained to second degree reckless homicide fairly and adequately explained the defense to the jury. 2. Whether trial court erroneously excluded evidence of the victim’s reputation for violence. Petitions for review aren’t… Read more