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H. Hearsay, Ch. 908

State v. Gregg B. Kandutsch, 2011 WI 78, affirming unpublished decision; for Kandutsch: Eileen A. Hirsch, SPD, Madison Appellate; case activity Computer-Generated Report (Electronic Monitoring Device) – Foundation Expert testimony isn’t necessary to lay a foundation for admissibility for a computer-generated EMD report: ¶28  Closing down a trial is not to be taken lightly, which is why the requirement… Read more


State v. Albert M. Virsnieks, 2010AP1967, District 2 / 1, 6/21/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); pro se; case activity Virsnieks’ plea-based conviction for burglary supported  ch. 980 commitment. ¶35      A Wis. Stat. ch. 980 petition must allege, among other things, that a “person has been convicted of a sexually violent offense.”[5]… Read more

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State v. Marvin L. Beauchamp, 2011 WI 27, affirming 2010 WI App 42; for Beauchamp: Craig S. Powell; case activity Confrontation – Dying Declaration, § 908.045(3) ¶34  We therefore, like every state court that has considered the dying declaration exception since Crawford, take a position consistent with the language of Crawford and Giles and decline… Read more


State v. Dennis J. Thornton, 2009AP3074-CR, District 2, 4/13/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Thornton: Angela C. Kachelski; case activity Scienter is not an element of § 940.225(3). State v. Lederer, 99 Wis. 2d 430, 433, 299 N.W.2d 457 (Ct. App. 1980) (statute requires proof of victim’s nonconsent – in contradistinction, presumably… Read more

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7th circuit court of appeals decision Habeas – Certificate of Appealability We pause briefly to note the district court’s error in denying a certificate of appealability in this case. The statute provides that a certificate of appealability may issue “only if the applicant has made a substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional right.”… Read more


State v. Bryan Peter Leather, 2010AP354-CR, District 1, 4/5/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Leather: Rex Anderegg; case activity Leather argues he was entitled to call the prosecutor as a witness to testify about the complainant’s hearsay statements to her. The 6th amendment right to present a defense (confrontation and compulsory process)… Read more


decision below: unpublished; case activity Issues (formulated by On Point): Whether Domke was denied effective assistance of counsel by trial counsel’s: failure to object to inadmissible hearsay in the form of a social worker’s testimony reciting the complainant’s recitation of the alleged sexual assaults; producing, without first interviewing her, the complainant’s mother as a defense witness who… Read more


State v. Jimmie Lee Higgins, 2010AP861-CR, District 1, 2/1/11 court of appeals decision (3-judge, not recommended for publication); for Higgins: Ellen Henak, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate; case activity; Higgins BiC; State Resp.; Reply Any error with respect to exclusion of the victim’s pretrial statement to the police in one instance, and admissibility of her statements to… Read more