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20. Guest Posts

With a new administration comes changes to our immigration laws. Fortunately, the SPD’s Immigration Practice Coordinators are here to provide you with an updated analysis of the many legal developments relevant to our clients. This guest post was authored by Kate Drury and Melissa Nepomiachi.  It’s impossible to pick up the newspaper today and not… Read more

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State of New Jersey v. Darryl Nieves/ State of New Jersey v. Michael Cifelli,  Docket Nos. A-2069-21 & A-2936-21, 9/13/2023 (available on Westlaw as 2023 WL 5947996) This is a guest post by Attorney Kathleen Pakes, Director of the Assigned Counsel Division In a must-read opinion, the New Jersey appellate court lays out the shortcomings… Read more


State v. Suzanne Lee Shegonee, 2022AP361-CR, District 4, 10/27/22 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity (including briefs) This is a guest post by Katie York, head of the SPD’s Appellate Division. The circuit court sanctioned Shegonee $500 for accepting a new plea offer 3 days prior to her scheduled jury trial. The state made… Read more


State v. Jacob Richard Beyer, 2021 WI 59, 6/15/21, on certification from the court of appeals; case activity (including briefs) On Point is proud to present a guest post by Tom Aquino of the Madison appellate office: A unanimous Wisconsin Supreme Court holds: “we will not permit parties to stipulate to every fact that satisfies… Read more


Since July 1, 2016, circuit court clerks have been permitted to transmit documents and records electronically to the court of appeals. When that occurs, the court of appeals paginates the documents in the appellate record. Sometimes a document is shared among multiple appeals. Originally the system was designed to paginate a document permanently–one time. Therefore… Read more


Three separate opinions in Seifert v. Balink result in a 5-2 majority upholding admission of expert medical testimony under the Daubert standard.  Because Seifert is the first Wisconsin Supreme Court case interpreting this standard for admission of expert testimony, it provides guidance to lower courts and to practitioners regarding the 2011 statutory changes. The On Point summary concisely… Read more


The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently denied Rule petition 15-04, which sought to amend SCR 20:1.9 governing a lawyer’s duties to her former clients. In this post, SPD Legal Counsel, Devon Lee, explains that the current rule does not prevent the types of communications highlighted by the petitioners. The petition proposed an amendment to SCR 1.9(c) which… Read more


The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently amended portions of SCR Chapter 20 that, among other things, govern the use of technology in a law practice. SPD Legal Counsel, Devon Lee, explains what these changes mean for lawyers who use email, cloud computing, and/or social media. Isn’t that everybody? Changes in technology have changed the ways in… Read more