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A. Plea agreements

State v. Sean M. Daley, 2006 WI App 81, on remand, PFR filed 5/10/06; prior history: 2005 WI App 260, decision vacated and remanded, 2006 WI 25 For Daley: Kirk B. Obear Issue/Holding: A deferred prosecution agreement, whereby the defendant enters no contest pleas but entry of judgment of conviction is stayed, conditioned on compliance… Read more


State v. Lawrencia Ann Bembenek, 2006 WI App 198, PFR filed 10/3/06 For Bembenek: Joseph F. Owens, Mary L. Woehrer Issue/Holding: Bembenek breached her plea agreement (which contained a no-attack or appeal clause) by filing a motion for DNA testing to establish her innocence; the remedy for this breach is dismissal of her appeal of… Read more


State v. Steven A. Harvey, 2006 WI App 26 For Harvey: Christopher William Rose Issue/Holding: Plea bargain, which permitted State to comment on facts but not to make specific sentencing recommendation was not violated by State’s presentation of victim and others who themselves asked for maximum penalty: ¶40      We first disagree that the State breached… Read more


State v. Anna Annina, 2006 WI App 202 For Annina: Robert R. Henak Issue/Holding: ¶9        Annina seeks to withdraw her Alford plea on the grounds that a manifest injustice has occurred. “Withdrawal of a plea following sentencing is not allowed unless it is necessary to correct a manifest injustice.”  State v. Smith, 202 Wis.  2d 21, 25, 549… Read more


Plea Agreements — Judicial Participation

State v. Antoine T. Hunter, 2005 WI App 5 For Hunter: James R. Lucius Issue: Whether the trial court’s observation to defendant, following denial of an assertedly “dispositive” suppression motion, that acquittal was “unlikely,” but that “coming forward and admitting your guilt” would provide “the opportunity to get some credit,” amounted to judicial participation in… Read more


State v. Richard L. Bowers, 2005 WI App 72 For Bowers: George Tauscheck Issue/Holding: The State’s immediate correction of recommended disposition in excess of the plea bargain’s limit rendered the breach insubstantial and therefore not actionable; State v. Knox, 213 Wis. 2d 318, 321, 570 N.W.2d 599 (Ct. App. 1997), followed: ¶12. We reach the… Read more


State v. Brad S. Miller, 2005 WI App 114 For Miller: William E. Schmaal, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶8        In State v. Sprang, 2004 WI App 121, 274 Wis. 2d 784, 683 N.W.2d 522, we explained that when a prosecutor breaches a plea agreement by arguing for a harsher sentence than the one the prosecutor… Read more


State v. Peter R. Cash, 2004 WI App 63 For Cash: Lynn M. Bureta Issue: Whether a plea agreement, which provided that if Cash returned stolen goods prior to sentencing the State would request that the judgment be reopened and amended from burglary to Class E felony theft, was invalid and the guilty plea therefore… Read more