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d. Deportation

State v. Javier Bedolla, 2006 WI App 154, (AG’s) PFR filed 7/26/06 For Bedolla: Susan E. Alesia Issue: Whether the defendant failed to show likelihood of deportation, so as to entitle him to plea withdrawal under § 971.08(1)(c), where a detainer had already been filed against him in another case which would also subject him to deportation… Read more


State v. Olayinka Kazeem Lagundoye, 2004 WI 4, affirming 2003 WI App 63 For Lagundoye: Geoffrey Y. Muwonge Issue/Holding: Holding of State v. Sisakhone S. Douangmala , 2002 WI 62 (non-citizen’s guilty plea invalid if colloquy omits deportation consequences, regardless of whether defendant in fact knows those consequences) does not apply retroactively to defendants who have already exhausted their… Read more