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5. Withdrawal under 971.08(2)

State v. Juan M. Rodriguez-Faustino, 2012AP2777, District 1, May 29, 2013; court of appeals decision (1-judge; ineligible for publication); case activity Rodriguez-Faustino pled to a misdemeanor drug offense and, in January 2007, was placed on probation for 12 months. (¶¶4-5). In September 2012 he filed a motion to withdraw his plea, asserting his attorney was… Read more


State v. Nely B. Robles, 2013 WI App 76; case activity. Issue:  When accepting a guilty plea is the circuit court required to specify whether the defendant is pleading to a felony or a misdemeanor? Robles sought to withdraw her guilty plea on the grounds that the circuit court’s failure to specify the designation of the… Read more


State v. Abraham C. Negrete, 2012 WI 92, affirming summary order; case activity Negrete’s motion to withdraw his 1992 guilty plea, on the ground that he wasn’t personally advised of deportation consequences, § 971.08(2), was denied by the circuit court without a hearing. The court upholds that result: ¶2   In support of his motion, Negrete stated in an affidavit that… Read more