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4. After sentencing

State v. Lee Roy Cain, 2010AP1599-CR, District 4, 8/11/11, affirmed, 2012 WI 68 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication), affirmed, 2012 WI 68; case activity If, during a (non-Alford) guilty plea colloquy, the defendant denies the existence of an element of the charged the offense, the court must refuse to accept the plea: ¶28      However, when… Read more


State v. John D. Tiggs, Jr., 2010AP1530, District 2, 6/29/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); pro se; case activity Tiggs knew that DNA test results would be released in mere hours, yet chose to enter his no-contest plea. His postconviction motion to withdraw the plea, based on a theory that the test… Read more


State v. Kenneth B. Bonner, 2010AP1414-CR, District 1, 12/28/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Bonner: Dennis P. Coffey; case activity; Bonner BiC; State Resp. Counsel – Waiver The trial court’s waiver colloquy omitted two required components: assurance that the defendant made a deliberate choice to proceed without counsel, and was aware… Read more


State v. Charles A. Bouc, 2010AP180, District 2, 12/22/10 court of appeals decision (3-judge, not recommended for publication); for Bouc: Adam Walsh; case activity; Bouc BiC; State Resp.; Reply Effective Assistance – Plea Advice Counsel did not fall short of normative performance standards, where he weighed with his client the pros and cons of admissibility of… Read more


State v. William M. O’Donnell, 2009AP2962, District 2, 11/17/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for O’Donnell: Walter Arthur Piel, Jr.; O’Donnell BiC; State Resp.; Reply Because the evidence allegedly suppressed by the State wasn’t exculpatory, O’Donnell wasn’t entitled to an evidentiary on his postconviction motion asserting suppression of exculpatory material. ¶10      A circuit court, in… Read more


State v. Morris L. Harris, 2009AP2759-CR, District 1, 11/2/10 court of appeals decision (3-judge, not recommended for publication); for Harris: Gary Grass; BiC; Resp.; Reply Guilty Plea – Withdrawal – Presentence The trial court properly applied the “fair and just reason” standard to Harris’s presentencing motion to withdraw guilty plea, ¶¶5-9. The particular grounds asserted… Read more


Guilty Pleas – Plea-Withdrawal

State v. Ricardo Lopez, 2010 WI App 153 (recommended for publication); for Lopez: Catherine M. Canright; BiC; Resp.; Reply The plea colloquy was deficient with respect to Lopez’s understanding of the rights waived by his no contest plea, therefore in response to his postconviction motion to withdraw plea the trial court held a hearing at… Read more


State v. John M. Anthony, 2009AP2171-CR, District 1, 10/13/10 court of appeals decision (3-judge, not recommended for publication); pro se; Resp. Br. Motion to withdraw Plea, Pre-Sentence Based on trial court findings that Anthony decision to plead no contest was based on his attorney’s informed assessment that he was likely to be found guilty if he… Read more