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A. State

7th Circuit decision Habeas – Procedural Bar … If a state court clearly and expressly states that its judgment rests on a state procedural bar and does not reach the merits of a federal claim, then we are unable to consider that claim on collateral review. Harris v. Reed, 489 U.S. 255, 263 (1989); Pole, 570 F.3d at 937. And… Read more


(State) Habeas Corpus – Venue

State ex rel. Steven M. Rupinski v. Smith, 2007 WI App 4 For Rupinski: Daniel R. Drigot Issue/Holding: ¶12 n. 3: The State challenges the venue of Milwaukee County as improper because Rupinski is confined at the Oshkosh Correctional Institution located in Winnebago County. The State argues that, as a result, the writ was improperly filed… Read more


(State) Habeas Procedure, Generally

State ex rel Marvin Coleman v. McCaughtry, 2006 WI 49, reversing and remanding summary order of court of appeals, reconsideration denied, 2006 WI 121 For Coleman: Brian Kinstler Issue/Holding: ¶18      A petition for writ of habeas corpus commences a civil proceeding wherein the petitioner claims an illegal denial of his or her liberty. State ex rel. Zdanczewicz v. Snyder, 131… Read more


State ex rel. Luis Santana v. Endicott, 2006 WI App 13 Pro se Issue/Holding1: A claim that lapsed direct appeal rights should be restored on the basis of ineffective assistance of counsel must be sought via habeas filed in the court of appeals, pursuant to State v. Knight, 168 Wis. 2d 509, 484 N.W.2d 540 (1992): ¶1       … Read more


State ex rel Marvin Coleman v. McCaughtry, 2006 WI 49, reversing and remanding summary order of court of appeals, reconsideration denied, 2006 WI 121 For Coleman: Brian Kinstler Issue/Holding: ¶28      Prihoda, Sawyer, Lohr and Schafer all employ a three-element test where the first element is unreasonable delay in bringing the claim and the other two elements apply to the party asserting laches: lack of knowledge… Read more


State ex rel. Frederick Lee Pharm v. Bartow, 2005 WI App 215 For Pharm: Roisin H. Bell (Pro Bono) Issue/Holding( Dicta): ¶12, n. 6: The State also draws a distinction between statutory habeas corpus and common law habeas corpus, contending that the circuit court properly ruled that Pharm was not entitled to statutory habeas corpus relief because… Read more


State v. Iran D. Evans, 2004 WI 84, reversing unpublished decision of court of appeals For Evans: Robert R. Henak Issue/Holding: The petition for writ of habeas corpus procedure mandated by State v. Knight, 168 Wis. 2d 509, 522, 484 N.W.2d 540 (1992) is the exclusive mechanism for seeking reinstatement of direct appeal deadlines lost on account of ineffective assistance of counsel; the… Read more


State ex rel. William E. Marberry v. Macht, 2003 WI 79, reversing 2002 WI App 133, 254 Wis. 2d 690, 648 N.W.2d 522 For Marberry: Donald T. Lang, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶23. The extraordinary relief provided by the writ of habeas corpus is available only in limited circumstances and is subject to three prerequisites. Haas , 252 Wis. 2d 133… Read more