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B. Selection process

on review of unpublished decision; case activity Issues (composed by On Point)  1. Whether the non-waivable nature of the defendant’s right to personal presence at voir dire, citing, § 971.04(1)(c); State v. Harris, 229 Wis. 2d 832, 839, 601 N.W.2d 682 (Ct. App. 1999), extends to examination of a juror for possible dismissal following selection and swearing-in. 2. Whether the trial court properly dismissed… Read more


seventh circuit decision Habeas – Jury Exposure to Extraneous Information  Subsequent to trial, Hall discovered that a juror’s son was a fellow inmate of Hall who initially told the juror that Hall was likely innocent, but later indicated that he “and several co-inmates had changed their mind about Hall and thought him guilty.” The (Indiana) state court ruled… Read more


State v. James E. Emerson, 2011AP1028-CR, District 3, 6/26/12 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Counsel – Substitute  Given findings made by the lower court after an evidentiary hearing, the court of appeals upholds denial of counsel’s motion to withdraw: counsel was prepared for trial; “(t)his was a dilatory tactic by the defendant,”… Read more


seventh circuit court of appeals decision Habeas Review – Batson Claim  The State’s pattern of peremptory strikes – at least 15, possibly 17, out of 20, directed at African-Americans – was so “disproportionate” as to “give[] rise to an inference of discrimination.” This is so, despite Harris limiting his challenges to 9 of these 17… Read more


court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication), supreme court review granted 11/14/12; for Alexander: Hans P. Koesser; case activity Juror Selection / Dismissal – Right to Personal Presence  A defendant has a non-waivable right to personal presence at voir dire, ¶6 (citing, § 971.04(1)(c); and, State v. Harris, 229 Wis. 2d 832, 839, 601 N.W.2d 682 (Ct… Read more


State v. Britney M. Langlois, 2011AP166-CR, District 4/1, 3/6/12 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Langlois: Philip J. Brehm; case activity The court  of appeals upholds a trial court finding that the prosecutor’s explanation for striking an African-American juror (recent conviction for disorderly conduct) was non-discriminatory: ¶33      After reviewing the record, we are satisfied that the trial… Read more


State v. Sharon A. Sellhausen, 2012 WI 5, reversing 2010 WI App 175; for Sellhausen: Byron C. Lichstein; case activity The trial judge’s daughter-in-law was part of the jury pool; Sellhausen didn’t seek her removal for cause, but used a peremptory to strike her, which rendered harmless any possible error in the trial judge sua sponte failing to… Read more

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Dismissal of Juror After Trial Commences

State v. Nikolas S. Czysz, 2010AP2804-CR, District 2/4, 12/1/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Czysz: Dianne M. Erickson; case activity The trial court properly exercised its discretion under State v. Gonzalez, 2008 WI App 142, 314 Wis. 2d 129, 758 N.W.2d 153, in dismissing a juror on the fourth day of trial after the… Read more