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26. Juvenile proceedings

State v. A.A.A., 2024AP2001, 3/12/25, District II (ineligible for publication); case activity COA affirmed the circuit court’s dispositional order placing juvenile in the Serious Juvenile Offender program at Copper Lake School, a Type I juvenile correctional facility for girls.  The Court rejected juvenile’s claim that such a placement was not permissible until the State builds… Read more


State v. K.R.W., 2024AP1210, 2/19/25, District II (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity Although COA does not address K.R.W.’s broader constitutional argument, it holds that suppression is warranted given the State’s violation of a statute requiring an intake worker to warn a juvenile of his right to counsel and right against self-incrimination before taking… Read more


Defense Win! COA remands for new CHIPS trial

State v. T.D.V., 2024AP2057-FT, 1/22/25, District II (ineligible for publication); case activity The State fails to adequately respond to T.D.V.’s argument that his substitution request was improperly denied, so COA remands the matter for a new trial. During an initial hearing in this case, “Tyrone” requested to: (1) fire his lawyer and (2) substitute on… Read more


State v. D.Y., 2024AP710, 12/26/24, District I (1-judge decision, ineligible for publication); case activity “Daniel” appeals from the circuit court’s order adjudicating him as a juvenile delinquent, on the basis of a second-degree sexual assault of a child offense. (¶1). He contends that the state failed to prove the intent element, specifically, sexual gratification or… Read more


State v. Q.D.R., 2024AP1067, 12/3/24, District I (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In a matter of first impression, COA rejects Q.D.R.’s statutory construction arguments and holds that funeral costs are recoverable under the juvenile restitution statute. “Quentin” entered a plea admitting a robbery with use of force and agreed to have a separate… Read more


Richland County DH&HS v. D.M.K., 2022AP2190, District IV, 11/14/24 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity In a somewhat rare CHIPS appeal, COA upholds the circuit court’s decision to remove adversary counsel but reverses the court’s order modifying that attorney’s request for fees. This appeal arises from a CHIPS proceeding initiated in 2014. (¶3). Given… Read more


State v. J.C., 2024AP17, 7/30/24, District 1 (one-judge decision; ineligible for publication); case activity “Jacob” appealed from an order granting the state’s waiver petition on charges of first-degree reckless injury, first-degree recklessly endangering safety, and possession of a dangerous weapon. The COA affirms. The delinquency petition alleged that Jacob was hanging out with friends when… Read more


State v. Jayden Adams, 2023AP218-CR, 7/23/24, District 1 (recommended for publication); petition for review granted, 2/12/25, voluntarily dismissed 3/5/25, case activity Adams appealed a nonfinal order denying his motion for discovery prior to his Wis. Stat. § 970.032(1) preliminary examination and his motion for reverse waiver to juvenile court. Despite holding that juvenile defendants have a… Read more