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5. 974.06, collateral attack

State v. Jeffery G. Sutton, 2012 WI 23, reversing summary order of court of appeals; for Sutton: Kaitlin A. Lamb, Colleen Ball, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate;  for amicus, WACDL: Robert R. Henak; case activity Although presented with an unpreserved but seemingly meritorious issue (defective jury-waiver colloquy) on § 809.32 no-merit review, the court of appeals nonetheless accepted counsel’s no-merit… Read more


on review of published opinion; for Avery: Keith A. Findley, Tricia J. Bushnell; case activity; prior post Newly Discovered Evidence / Interest of Justice – New Forensic Method Issues (composed by On Point):  1. Whether new scientific photogrammetric analyses by expert witnesses, indicating that the suspect in video surveillance was shorter than Avery, entitles him to a new… Read more


Newly Discovered Evidence – Recantation

State v. Reynold C. Moore, 2010AP377, District 3/4, 1/26/12 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Moore: Byron C. Lichstein; case activity; prior history: 1997AP1193-CR, habeas relief denied, Moore v. Casperson, 345 F.3d 474 (7th Cir. 2003) Moore seeks relief on the basis of newly discovered evidence in the form of a purported recantation of State… Read more


Langlade County Dept. of Social Services v. Rebecca D., 2010AP2497, District 3, 11/15/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Rebecca D.: William E. Schmaal, SPD, Madison Appellate; case activity ¶19      On the facts adduced at trial, Rebecca clearly failed to assume parental responsibility for Anthony, pursuant to the standards set forth in Wis. Stat. § 48.415(6). Anthony… Read more


Kathleen N. v. Brenda L. C., 2010AP2737, District 4, 10/27/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Brenda l.C.: Eileen A. Hirsch, SPD, Madison Appellate; case activity Brenda isn’t entitled to a new TPR trial in the interests of justice, notwithstanding a line of inquiry that went to the respective financial capabilities of Brenda… Read more


on review of summary order (District 2); for Negrete: Jeffrey W. Jensen; case activity Plea Withdrawal – Collateral Attack – Deportation Consequences  Issues (Composed by On Point): 1. Whether the laches doctrine bars Negrete’s motion to withdraw his guilty plea, 18 years after he entered it. 2. Whether Negrete’s assertion that he didn’t know his… Read more


State v. Kenneth M. Davis, 2011 WI App 147 (recommended for publication); for Davis: Robert R. Henak; case activity; reissuance after prior decision withdrawn Several items of testimony, coming to light after trial, directly contradict the trial testimony of the main State’s witnesses, leading the court to conclude that the real issue in controversy – Davis’s… Read more


State v. Brian K. Avery, 2011 WI App 148 (recommended for publication), supreme court review granted, 2/23/12; for Avery: Keith A. Findley; case activity; prior 974.06 appeal: 2008AP500-CR; direct appeal: 1997AP317 Newly Discovered Evidence – New Forensic  Method – Photogrammetric Analysis  Expert photogrammetric opinion, derived from video enhancement technology (“VISAR”) not commercially available until after Avery’s trial… Read more