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5. 974.06, collateral attack

State v. Paschall Lee Sanders, 2011 WI App 125 (recommended for publication); for Sanders: Ellen Henak, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate; case activity The definitions of “mental disorder” in since-amended pattern instruction Wis JI—Criminal 2502 (2009), though concededly contradictory, didn’t prevent from being tried the issue of whether Sanders qualified for commitment as a sexually violent person: ¶14      As we… Read more


Florence County Department of Human Services v. Jennifer B., 2011AP88, District 3, 8/19/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Jennifer B.: Martha K. Askins, Shelley Fite, SPD, Madison Appellate; case activity Removal from jury consideration of a ground for termination (CHIPS orders) without prior discussion between court and parties was error: ¶10      While… Read more


State v. David J. Balliette, 2011 WI 79, reversing unpublished decision; for Balliette: Steven D. Grunder, SPD, Madison Appellate; case activity Balliette’s pro se § 974.06 motion, asserting ineffective assistance of postconviction counsel for failing to raise ineffective assistance of trial counsel on direct appeal, was insufficiently pleaded to require an evidentiary hearing. Unless you’re an appellate… Read more


7th circuit court of appeals decision Retroactive Application of Case Law, on Collateral Review Narvaez’s federal ACCA enhancement, imposed in 2003, is now unsupportable in light of subsequently-decided Supreme Court authority (Begay v. U.S.; Chambers v. U.S.). He may therefore seek relief against the sentencing enhancement via 28 U.S.C. § 2255: the case law development worked… Read more


State v. Scott Maher, 2010AP460, District 4, 5/26/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Maher: Donald T. Lang, SPD, Madison Appellate; case activity Testimony from a State’s expert witness describing the ch. 980 screening process was irrelevant. ¶11      We addressed the issue of the admissibility of this same type of evidence in State v… Read more


State v. Alan Keith Burns, 2011 WI 22, affirming unpublished decision; for Burns: David R. Karpe; case activity The court rejects Burns’s claim for a new trial in the interest of justice premised on three grounds: 1. Burns was unable to cross-examine the complainant on her implication that he took her virginity; 2. evidence of prior sexual assaults of the complainant… Read more


Winnebago County DHHS v. Thomas C. W., 2010AP847, District 2, 3/16/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Thomas C.W.: Theresa J. Schmieder; case activity Though trial counsel was ineffective with respect to a single discrete oversight – failure to lodge a meritorious motion for judgment notwithstanding verdict as to one of the… Read more


State v. Quentin J. Louis, 2009AP2502-CR, District 3, 3/15/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Louis: Edward J. Hunt; amicus, Wis. Innocence Project: Keith A. Findley, Peter Shawn Moreno; case activity Trial court grant of new trial in interest of justice upheld as proper exercise of discretion:  the issue in controversy wasn’t… Read more