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7. Common law PCMs

State v. Robert M. Schueller, 2023AP1755-CR, 6/20/24, District IV (recommended for publication); case activity In a decision recommended for publication, the court of appeals holds that advances in PTSD treatment constitute a new factor, where the sentencing court expressly relied on its understanding that Schueller’s PTSD was uncurable in determining his risk to the public and… Read more


State v. Steven L. Buckingham, 2017AP1852-CR, 12/4/18, District 1 (not recommended for publication), case activity (including briefs). When the court of appeals’ dismisses an appellant’s arguments on the grounds that they are “conclusory,” it’s always wise to check the briefs. In this case,  Buckingham filed a fully-developed, well-organized 42-page brief in chief presenting 5 claims… Read more


State v. Darrick L. Bennett, 2016AP2209-CR, 9/18/18, District 1 (not recommended for publication); case activity (including briefs) Bennett was charged with 1st degree intentional homicide, but pled guilty to 1st degree reckless homicide. In a decision turning on facts specific to this case, the court of appeals affirmed the trial court’s decision denying (a) plea… Read more


State v. Andrew M. Obriecht, 2014AP445-CR, District 4, 8/14/14 (1-judge; ineligible for publication); case activity Obriecht didn’t show the victim’s mental health records might contain relevant information necessary to his defense, so the circuit court properly denied his motion to conduct an in camera review of the records. Obriecht, who was charged with two counts of having… Read more


State v. Robert Edwin Burkhardt, 2009AP2174-CR, District 1/4, 12/6/12 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); case activity Search & Seizure – Consent  Consent to search isn’t vitiated by nonpretextual threat to obtain a search warrant: ¶16      … (I)t is well established that, “[t]hreatening to obtain a search warrant does not vitiate consent if ‘the… Read more


State v. Kelvin L. Crenshaw, 2010AP1960-CR, District 1, 8/2/11 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Crenshaw: Joseph E. Redding; case activity Counsel wasn’t ineffective with respect to: failure to argue a theory of defense unsupported by the evidence; failure to introduce medical records asserted to show police bias in conducting the investigation; failure to… Read more


State v. Terry L. Kletzien, Jr., 2011 WI App 22; for Kletzien: James A. Rebholz; case activity; Kletzien BiC; State Resp.; Reply In a prior appeal, Kletzien unsuccessfully challenged denial of postconviction discovery,  2008 WI App 182. (See, e.g., State v. O’Brien, 223 Wis. 2d 303, 321, 588 N.W.2d 8 (1999) (recognizing “a right to… Read more


State v. Terry L. Kletzien, Jr., 2008 WI App 182 For Kletzien: James A. Rebholz Issue/Holding: ¶8        A person convicted of a crime has a due process right to postconviction discovery if “the desired evidence is relevant to an issue of consequence.” State v. Ziebart, 2003 WI App 258, ¶32, 268 Wis.  2d 468, 673… Read more