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31. Probation/ES

State ex rel. Ardonis Greer v. Wayne J. Widenhoeft, 2014 WI 19, affirming a published court of appeals decision; case activity; Majority opinion:  Justice Ziegler; Dissent: Justice Bradley and C.J. Abrahamson The DOC assured Greer his probation was over and issued a discharge certificate to that effect.  In truth, his probation term hadn’t yet expired… Read more


Review of published court of appeals decision; case activity Issues (composed by On Point): If the Department of Corrections erroneously issues a probationer a discharge certificate under 973.o9(5) before the probationary term expired, but later discovers the error and proceeds to revoke the probationer, did the Department lose jurisdiction over the probationer? If the Department… Read more


State v. Aaron S. Loos, 2012AP2154-CR, District 3, 5/14/13; court of appeals decision (1-judge, ineligible for publication); case activity Though Loos was convicted of one misdemeanor and one felony at the same time, the maximum one-year term of probation for the misdemeanor under § 973.09(2)(a)1r. could not be increased by one year under § 973.09(2)(b)2. That statute may be applied only… Read more


State v. John R. Edwards, 2013 WI App 51; case activity The longer period of probation applicable to a misdemeanor act of domestic abuse under Wis. Stat. § 973.09(2)(a)1.b. may be ordered even though the charging documents did not allege the crime was an act of domestic abuse. Edwards was charged with substantial battery, strangulation… Read more

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Plea withdrawal – adequacy of plea colloquy

State v. Justin L. Garrett, Case No. 12AP1341-CR, District 2, 12/19/12 Court of appeals decision (1 judge; ineligible for publication); case activity Garrett failed to make a prima facie showing that his plea colloquy was defective, so his motion to withdraw plea was properly denied without an evidentiary hearing: ¶10      Garrett argues that he did not… Read more


State v. Tony J. Lalicata, 2012 WI App 138 (recommended for publication); case activity Probation is not an available disposition under § 948.02(1)(b) (child sexual assault). By mandating that “the court shall impose a bifurcated sentence” with a confinement portion of at least 25 years for that offense, § 939.616 forecloses the possibility of probation: ¶14      …  We… Read more


Ardonis Greer v. David H. Schwarz, 2012 WI App 122, petition for review granted 6/12/13, affirmed, 2014 WI 19; case activity DOC Discharge Certificate (Probation, § 973.09(5)) – Wrongly Issued, Prior to Expiration of Term of Probation  As a function of “administrative error,” the department of corrections issued Greer a discharge certificate before his term of probation had… Read more

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Wisconsin State v. Tally Ann Rowan, 2012 WI 60, on certification review ; case activity Extended Supervision Conditions – Suspicionless Searches  A condition of extended supervision “that allows any law enforcement officer to search [Tally]’s person, vehicle, or residence for firearms, at any time and without probable cause or reasonable suspicion,” was tailored to the particular facts and… Read more