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F. Use of false testimony (Napue)

State v. Michael L. Cramer, 2012AP2547; District 1; October 15, 2013 (not recommended for publication); case activity A jury convicted Cramer of 1st-degree reckless homicide for the death of his 10-week old son.  Both the Milwaukee County medical examiner and the attending physician testified for the State at trial. In their opinions, the baby died… Read more


seventh circuit decision Habeas – Knowing Use of False Testimony (“Napue”)  Due process prohibits knowing prosecutorial use of false testimony, Napue v. Illinois, 360 U.S. 264, 269 (1959). However, the prosecutor’s exploitation of Bland’s incorrect testimony on a potentially important point (the date his gun was confiscated) doesn’t support habeas relief on a Napue-type theory. Napue and Giglio hold… Read more

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7th circuit court of appeals decision Prosecutorial Misconduct – Knowing Use of False Testimony When the government obtains a conviction through the knowing use of false testimony, it violates a defendant’s due process rights. Napue v. Illinois, 360 U.S. 264, 269 (1959); United States v. Bagley, 473 U.S. 667, 679 n.8 (1984) (discussing the evolution… Read more


7th circuit court of appeals decision Habeas – Napue Issue The Supreme Court has held that “a conviction obtained through use of false evidence, known to be such by representatives of the State, must fall under the Fourteenth Amendment.” Napue v. Illinois, 360 U.S. 264, 269 (1959) …. Thus, a new trial is required if… Read more