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4. Community caretaker

State v. Todd Lee Kramer, 2009 WI 14, affirming 2008 WI App 62 For Kramer: Stephen J. Eisenberg, Marsha M. Lysen Issue/Holding: ¶37      We conclude that Wagner had an objectively reasonable basis for deciding that a motorist may have been in need of assistance when he stopped behind Kramer’s vehicle. Kramer was parked on the side of… Read more


State v. Todd Lee Kramer, 2009 WI 14, affirming 2008 WI App 62 For Kramer: Stephen J. Eisenberg, Marsha M. Lysen Issue/Holding: ¶25      Kramer argues that the “totally divorced” language from Cady means that the officer must have ruled out any possibility of criminal activity before the community caretaker function is bona fide. The State, on the other hand… Read more


Community Caretaker – Test – Generally

State v. Todd Lee Kramer, 2009 WI 14, affirming 2008 WI App 62 For Kramer: Stephen J. Eisenberg, Marsha M. Lysen Issue/Holding: The 3-factor test for determining validity of community caretaker intervention, as articulated by State v. Anderson, 142 Wis.  2d 162, 167, 417 N.W.2d 411 (Ct. App. 1987), and the lead opinion of State v. Kelsey C.R., 2001 WI… Read more


State v. Lance F. Truax, 2009 WI App 60, PFR filed 5/4/09 For Truax: Kiley Zellner Issue/Holding: Largely on community caretaker rationale of State v. Todd Lee Kramer, 2009 WI 14, the court upholds seizure of car observed pulling over on the shoulder late at night. The cop didn’t suspect any traffic violation, but simply thought that a… Read more


State v. David M. Larsen, 2007 WI App 147, PFR filed 5/31/07 For Larsen: Jefren E. Olsen, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶18 The parties express some confusion over whether an officer’s subjective motivations are relevant in determining whether his or her actions violate the Fourth Amendment in emergency doctrine matters. Recent cases from our supreme court… Read more


State v. David M. Larsen, 2007 WI App 147, PFR filed 5/31/07 For Larsen: Jefren E. Olsen, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue: Whether the emergency doctrine supports warrantless entry of a residence not merely to look for the victim but also to search for evidence that would lead to her location. Holding: ¶22 Larsen next contends that even… Read more


State v. David M. Larsen, 2007 WI App 147, PFR filed 5/31/07 For Larsen: Jefren E. Olsen, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶20 Larsen first contends that because the officers had already conducted a thorough search of the home, they had no reason to believe that there was anyone inside in need of immediate assistance. We disagree… Read more


State v. George Toland Ziedonis, 2005 WI App 249 For Ziedonis: Ellen Henak, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue/Holding: Police, responding to a “loose animal” complaint became sufficiently alarmed by the possibility the dogs’ owner was in need of assistance that their warrantless entry was justified under the community caretaker doctrine: ¶27      Like in Ferguson, the police “utilized alternative… Read more