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H. Exclusionary rule

State v. Wilton Tye, 2001 WI 124 For Tye: Mark D. Richards, Christy M. Hall Issue: Whether evidence seized under a search warrant, invalid on its face because unsupported by oath or affirmation, is covered by the good faith exception. Holding: ¶24. Fourth and finally, the State asks this court to allow admission of the seized… Read more


State v. Bill Paul Marquardt, 2001 WI App 219, PFR filed 9/20/01 For Marquardt: James B. Connell Issue: Whether evidence seized under a warrant defective because unsupported by probable cause may be admissible under the good-faith doctrine. Holding: Given that, subsequent to trial-level litigation, the supreme court recognized the good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule, in State v… Read more


State v. Robert F. Hart, 2001 WI App 283 For Hart: John Deitrich Issue: Whether a person voluntarily abandons property when throwing it to the ground during an illegal pat-down. Holding: ¶24. Our own research has uncovered cases that are fatal to the district attorney’s contention. In Lawrence v. Henderson, 478 F. 2d 705, 708 (5th Cir… Read more


Attenuation of Taint — Consent

State v. David L. Munroe, 2001 WI App 104 For Munroe: Peter Koneazny, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue: Whether consent to search was valid notwithstanding illegal police activity. Holding: ¶13. The three factors that help to determine whether the taint of earlier illegal police activity has been attenuated by the time a consent to search is granted… Read more


State v. Debra Noble, 2002 WI 64, reversing 2001 WI App 145, 246 Wis. 2d 533, 629 N.W.2d 31 For Noble: Thomas H. Boyd Issue/Holding: Suppression of evidence is required only where it has been obtained in violation of the defendant’s constitutional rights or of a statute specifically providing for suppression as a remedy. ¶14. Issue: Whether, assuming… Read more


State v. Albert Jackowski, 2001 WI App 187 For Jackowski: Ronald C. Shiroka Issue: Whether violation of a statutory requirement for issuance of a building inspection warrant (namely, the § 66.0119(2) condition that such a warrant be issued only upon showing that consent to enter was refused) supports suppression of evidence obtained after entry under the warrant. Holding… Read more


State v. Lance R. Ward, 2000 WI 3, 231 Wis.2d 723, 604 N.W.2d 517, reversing State v. Ward, 222 Wis. 2d 311, 588 N.W.2d 645.For Ward: Daniel P. Dunn Issue: Whether the exclusionary rule applies where the police relied on judge-made law that automatically countenanced all no-knock entries to search for drugs and that law… Read more


State v. Lisa Orta and Ricardo Ruiz, 2000 WI 4, 231 Wis.2d 782, 604 N.W.2d 543, reversing unpublished decision For Orta: Mark F. Nielsen, Schwartz, Tifte & Nielsen For Ruiz: Michael P. Reisterer, Jr. For amici (SPD & WACDL): Mary E. Waitrovich, SPD, Madison Appellate, & Howard B. Eisenberg Issue: Whether the exclusionary rule applies… Read more