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34. Bear Arms, 2nd Am.

Steven Michael Leonard v. State of Wisconsin, 2015 WI App 57; case activity (including briefs) NOTE: This case’s analysis of whether DC is a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence is effectively overruled by Doubek v. Kaul, 2022 WI 31. The court of appeals concludes that there’s no basis in the record for determining whether Leonard’s disorderly conduct conviction qualifies as… Read more


Henderson v. United States, USSC No. 13-1487, 2015 WL 2340840 (May 18, 2015), reversing  United States v. Henderson, Case No. 12-14628, 2014 WL 292169 (11th Cir. 2014) (unreported); Scotusblog page (includes links to briefs and commentary) The Supreme Court unanimously holds that a defendant convicted of a felony retains “a naked right of alienation” in any firearms… Read more


Question presented: Does a felony conviction extinguish all of a defendant’s property interests in a firearm, such that he or she may not even arrange for the sale or other transfer of any surrendered or seized firearms to another person because doing so would constitute “constructive” possession and thus violate 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)’s ban on possession of a… Read more


Krysta Sutterfield v. City of Milwaukee, No. 12-2272 (7th Cir. May 9, 2014) Nine hours after obtaining a § 51.15 emergency detention order, Milwaukee police officers forcibly entered Sutterfield’s home without a warrant, opened a locked container, and seized the handgun and concealed carry licenses that were in the container. Sutterfield filed a civil rights suit against them… Read more


Robert W. Evans, Jr., v. Wisconsin Dep’t of Justice, 2014 WI App 31, overruled by Doubek v. Kaul, 2022 WI 31; case activity A conviction for disorderly conduct under § 947.01 may qualify as a “misdemeanor crime of domestic violence” under 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(33)(A), thus depriving the defendant of the right to possess a firearm. Evans’s… Read more


Moore v. Madigan, 7th Circuit Nos. 12-1269 & 12-1788, 12/11/12 7th Circuit court of appeals decision Illinois’s broad ban forbidding most persons to carry a gun that is loaded, immediately accessible, and uncased violates the Second Amendment: We are disinclined to engage in another round of historical analysis to determine whether eighteenth-century America understood the Second… Read more


State v. Daniel Lee Rueden, Jr., 2011AP001034-CR, District 4, 6/7/12 court of appeals decision (not recommended for publication); for Rueden: Eileen A. Hirsch, Kaitlin A. Lamb, SPD; case activity Felon-in-possession, § 941.29, is not unconstitutional either facially or as applied in this instance; State v. Pocian, 2012 WI App 58, deemed controlling. ¶6        We need not discuss the specifics of… Read more


State v. Clarence E. Brown, 2011AP2049-CR, District 1, 4/17/12 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Brown: Daniel R. Drigot; case activity Carrying Concealed Weapon, § 941.23 (2009-10) – Facially Constitutional The court upholds the constitutionality of the prior version of § 941.23, CCW, as not violating the right to bear arms (since-modified, to allow conceal-carry… Read more