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3. Particular statutes

State v. Brandon L. Mason, 2004 WI App 176 For Dawson: Ellen Henak, SPD, Milwaukee Appellate Issue/Holding: The felony murder statute, § 940.03 (1999-2000), contains characteristics suggestive of both penalty enhancers (it adds a specified term to the maximum penalty applicable to the underlying crime), ¶15, and also substantive offenses (it is located in a chapter… Read more


State v. Richard W. Delaney, 2003 WI 9, affirming unpublished decision For Delaney: Joseph R. Cincotta Issue/Holding: ¶1 … Specifically, Delaney asks this court to determine whether Wis. Stat. § 939.62 (1999-2000) was properly applied to his already enhanced OWI offense under Wis. Stat. § 346.65(2)(c), based on the existence of a past non-OWI offense, so as to enhance… Read more


State v. Donald R. Wield, 2003 WI App 179, PFR filed 8/28/03 For Wield: Donald T. Lang, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: The persistent repeater law, § 939.62(2m) is constitutional; State v. Radke, 2003 WI 7, 259 Wis. 2d 13, 657 N.W.2d 66, controls. ¶¶20-21… Read more


State v. Alan R. Radke, 2003 WI 7, affirming 2002 WI App 146 For Radke: William E. Schmaal, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶5. The precise question raised, therefore, is whether the “two strikes” law violates the Due Process Clause of either the United States or Wisconsin Constitution because it requires a greater penalty to be imposed on… Read more


State v. Donald R. Wield, 2003 WI App 179, PFR filed 8/28/03 For Wield: Donald T. Lang, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: In determining whether a prior conviction under a since-repealed statute is a serious child sex offense comparable to § 948.02(1) so as to invoke the persistent repeater law, the “elements only” test of Blockburger v. United States, 284 U.S… Read more


State v. Paul R. Maxey, 2003 WI App 94 For Maxey: Douglas I. Henderson Issue/Holding: A sentence may be enhanced by both the general repeater provision of § 939.62(1)(b) (1999-2000) and § the specific repeat drug offender provision of § 961.48(2) (1999-2000), given the rationale of State v. Richard W. Delaney, 2003 WI 9: ¶14. In summary… Read more


State v. Joseph F. Volk, 2002 WI App 274 For Volk: Charles B. Vetzner, SPD, Madison App Issue: Whether the extended supervision portion of truth-in-sentencing, § 973.01, supports repeater enhancement, § 939.62(1)(b). Holding: Because specifies that “confinement” may be enhanced, applying the principle that specification works an exclusion of non-enumerated items, the extended supervision portion of a sentence is… Read more


State v. Leonard T. Collins, 2002 WI App 177 For Collins: Paul G. LaZotte, SPD, Madison Appellate Issue/Holding: ¶2. We agree with Collins that Wis. Stat. § 939.62(2m)(d) requires circuit courts to determine independently whether an out-of-state crime is comparable to a Wisconsin “serious felony,” even if the defendant admits that he or she is a persistent repeater. However… Read more