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3. Continuing CHIPS

State v. Angie A., 2012AP2240, District 1, 2/20/13; court of appeals decision (1-judge, ineligible for publication); case activity The state properly brought TPR petition alleging grounds under Wis. Stat. § 48.415(2) (continuing need of protection and services) and § 48.416(6) (failure to assume parental responsibility) instead of § 48.415(3) (continuing parental disability, a ground that… Read more


Racine County v. Latanya D.K., 2013 WI App 28; case activity TPR – Waiver of jury trial need not be part of admission colloquy ¶2        Latanya’s major arguments raise an important question:  Must the court engage in a personal colloquy with a parent regarding his or her waiver of the right to a jury trial before accepting the parent’s… Read more

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TPR – Grounds – CHIPS Order

State v. Anastasia S., 2011AP1423 / State v. Lemar T., 2011AP1403, District 1, 10/4/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Anastasia S.: Kevin M. Long, Brandon Gutschow; case activity; for Lemar T.: Jane S. Earle; case activity ¶18      “Grounds for termination [of parental rights] must be proven by clear and convincing evidence.”  Ann M.M. v. Rob S… Read more


Winnebago County DHHS v. Thomas C. W., 2010AP847, District 2, 3/16/11 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Thomas C.W.: Theresa J. Schmieder; case activity Though trial counsel was ineffective with respect to a single discrete oversight – failure to lodge a meritorious motion for judgment notwithstanding verdict as to one of the… Read more


TPR – Partial Summary Judgment

Marathon County Dept. of Social Services v. Lorie O., 2010AP2351, District 3, 12/21/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); for Lorie O.: Leonard D. Kachinsky; case activity Summary judgment may be granted as to grounds for TPR, Steven V. v. Kelley H., 2004 WI 47, ¶6; but where the CHIPS order, on which… Read more


Dane Co. DHS v. Susan P. S, 2010AP573, District 4, 12/9/10 court of appeals decision (1-judge, not for publication); pro se Determination of the “best interests of the child” at TPR disposition includes consideration of various factors, including the “wishes of the child.” The TPR court need not hear directly from the child, but may… Read more


Walworth Co. DHHS v. Andrea L.O., 2008 WI 46, on Certification TPR – Elements, Ground of Continuing Need of Protection and Services, Generally Issue/Holding: ¶6 There are four elements to this ground for termination. First, the child must have been placed out of the home for a cumulative total of more than six months pursuant to… Read more


Walworth Co. DHHS v. Andrea L.O., 2008 WI 46, on Certification Issue/Holding: ¶6 There are four elements to this ground for termination. First, the child must have been placed out of the home for a cumulative total of more than six months pursuant to court orders containing the termination of parental rights notice. Second, the… Read more